If you are looking to contribute to the community, this might be something well worth getting involved with – Rayleigh Heartwatch
…..A First responder Scheme is made up of a group of volunteers who, within the community, in which they live or work, have been trained to attend emergency calls received by the NHS Ambulance Service, providing first aid until an emergency ambulance arrives.
East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust when looking at locations for First Responder Groups, takes the following into consideration:
* Rural areas of the county where it is challenging for an Emergency Ambulance to arrive at scene within 8 minutes.
* Develope partnerships with organisations that have a high number of people within or near their establishment. This could include large shopping areas.
* Areas which have the potential of generating a large number of “A” category calls, immediately life threatening.
Groups meet regularly to arrange events such as:* Fund Raising Activities
* Availability of members for rota planning
* Revision Training
* Case Reviews
* Social Events
For more information , please email Gary at :
My name is David and a member of the Rayleigh First Responders. I joint the group in November 2008 and done over 50 calls so far. There is several places you can get information on First responders http://www.first-response.org.uk or http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=logo#/group.php?gid=4971748587 where there are group discussion or you can visit our own website http://www.rayleigh-heartwatch.co.uk/index.html?_ret_=return
If you want to join Rayleigh first responders call John on 01268 781 869 or email John Hopkins John.Hopkins@essexambulance.nhs.uk and he will put you in touch with your nearest group.
There is a shortage of first responders so don’t delay call today.
If you have any question please post them and I will try to answer them for you.