Some residents have received a letter from David Wilson homes to inform them that works will start on the 18th February 2019 for approximately 2 weeks to remove some of the hedges. These are required in connection with the scheduled road improvements.
We can only assume that this is in connection to
Provision of Hullbridge Road / Rawreth Lane roundabout the subject of application 16/00162/FUL
as we’ve not been formally notified of this by the District Council as of yet. We’ll update readers when we know more.
Tuesday 19th February 2019, The hedge has been trimmed to the ground from Hullbridge road junction back onto Rawreth Lane to the first service wooden pole. A couple of tree vans on the site. Were the hedge has been trimmed to the ground it has been replaced with orange plastic waist height safety fencing.
27 Feb 2019 View from Hullbridge Road. You can now see the slice of land thats going to be used for this roundabout. Is Mortimer Road going to be closed, if so Ferndale Road will be used to get into Mortimer Road. I recommend that double yellow or single yellow band is to be painted on Ferndale Road to stop parents from the nursery blocking the road which at times they currently do. Double yellow can also be used for safety issues. More cars but parents in the way when dropping / collecting there children from the nursery.
According to the plans ( ) Mortimer Road is not closing. It will just be on the other side of the roundabout to where it currently is.
Will there be more much needed parking area at the Hambro Parade shops?
We’ve not seen any plans to suggest car parking will be increased at Hambro Parade shops. The only change is the roundabout that we know of.
The previous plan (the one after they removed the mysterious 4th exit into the Lubbards Farm field) showed the Hambro Parade parking changing to diagonal parking bays opposite the shops, rather than the current parallel to the kerb design. Not sure if the number of spaces was increased or not.