Rawreth Lane / Hullbridge Road Roadworks




Local residents have been notified of roadworks to take place at the Hullbridge Road/Rawreth Lane area to commence on 2nd November 2020 and lasting for approximately 16 weeks.

We have written to officers to check on these planned roadworks to ask that they are proactively monitored to ensure that they run for only the absolutely necessary period of time and that the traffic management is implemented effectively.

About the author, Editor

  • Be nice to see this junction improved after this work is complete.

    Can we get the council (Essex / Rochford / Countryside even – not sure) to resurface the other end of Rawreth Lane. Since we’ve had huge building traffic coming down ‘the lane’ its turned into a dangerous roller coaster. Seems to be collapsing.


  • When Essex County Council Go around the new roundabout with a yellow can of paint, tell them to paint the road as well as double yellow lines on the curbs. Some residents in Mortiner Road (plus shoppers) currently park on double yellow without any notices on dashboard and just in the way of maneuvering when driving. Just unfair on other drivers.

  • construction wise the round about taking shape. BAD SIDE. pot holes galore (all sizes, depths and shapes) The traffic lights need to be re timed, long queues of traffic.

  • Are they still planning the new/additional parking layout in front of the shops?

    Does anyone really believe this will improve the traffic flow much? You will still have the long stream of cars coming from Hambro Hill/Downhall Road, so the traffic heading East along Rawreth Lane will still have to give way. If Rawreth Lane splits into separate left and right turn lanes at the new roundabout it may provide a little extra capacity, but I can’t see it being a major improvement.

    This new roundabout is just to facilitate new housing on Lubbards farm.

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