RAG’s View




Rayleigh Action Group summarise their view of the situation here. Here’s an extract:

…To expand on the above Rochford District Council?s evidence to the court they stated that just 195 residents from a possible 33,000 in Rayleigh, made representations on one consultation process. Of these, 194 objected and rejected their proposal and just one individual supported their submissions. The programme continued unabated. This simple fact establishes the fact that the ?consultation? exercises, on which RDC have expended ?2.1 million pounds of public money (confirmed by a Freedom of Information request in July 2013), are simply a total waste of public money at a time when essential services are being slashed to save precious resources.
The Judgement makes clear that the Judge accepted there is now established major opposition to this Local Plan. This is evidenced by both the petition collated by Brian Carleton of Hullbridge Action Group and the list of 5062 residents connected to the objection produced by Rayleigh Action Group in 2013. Despite this he has refused to quosh the disputed Allocation document, which will serve to destroy swathes of the green belt across our area, as it conforms with the RDC Core Strategy, adopted in 2011. Despite clear evidence that the public were oblivious to the many proposals he found RDC had acted in compliance with their STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT (SCI). Produced by RDC Officers and RDC Councillors. It is becoming increasing evident that RDC have no legal requirement to take account of any public opposition to the plans they put forward. Any ?Consultation? appears to be an exercise in useless public relations that has no effect on eventual outcomes. This is evidenced by the results of actual ?consultations? as presented in evidence to the court by RDC where the overwhelming majority of those who did respond rejected RDC proposals.
My opinion remains that RDC have not acted in the best interest of the people they serve. Our roads will become increasingly gridlocked, many residents will face increased risk of flooding, our services will become further stretched. The Core Strategy decisions are thus enshrine for the future including every proposal sanctioned in that document, don?t forget the removal of Rayleigh Town Sports and Social Club grounds are still an integral part of that plan. Further to place both a Heavy Industrial complex and huge Gypsy and Traveller site in this vicinity will be an error of judgement that will devalue the homes of the hard-working families that have chosen to live here. I do not believe democracy is well served by the decision of the High Court as it will further erode the trust ordinary citizens have in those that are charged with protecting our interest. It is a sorry day for us all.
Mr Justice Lindblom recognised some failures of the RDC legal team. He has confirmed an agreed wasted costs order against RDC to the sum of ? 11,815.20 which includes the fees due for their failed challenge to the requested Protected Cost Order. The action to prevent the PCO would have halted the hearing. It would have had the effect of silencing the huge protest that emerged when local residents became aware of the full implications of RDC future plans for the district….

About the author, admin

  • So, Councillor Ian Ward says that ” it is true that some people do not want the development ” – that SOME includes our MP , Rawreth Parish Council , 10,000
    residents in West Rayleigh & Hullbridge and oh yes – his own Rayleigh Town Council
    are opposing it too.

  • SO – just 30 days to D-DAY (29/01/15 Planning Meeting ) , I have written to our MP and asked if he is going to attend ( given his formal objection ) and would ask Bruce Smart to press the Town Council to attend – I presume Ron Oatham will encourage the Rawreth Parish Council to attend to.
    We need the Chamber, Corridors and Car Park full of the Public too – I’m sure the RAG FB page will be calling for people to give up just an hour or two to attend ,WHY-
    Because this vote will no doubt be like the Parking Charge revision issue with the Conservative Rayleigh Councillors under the Whip voting for it – they need to know the public are watching ( which is why they abstained on Parking ), it is stand up and be counted time – before the General Election.

    • Jim – your comments are welcome, as always. And the public are very welcome to attend the meeting because if nobody came, it would be hard to argue that there are any problems.
      But it needs to be clear to everyone that the vote should be taken on planning issues, not on election issues!

      Anyway, the website resumes tomorrow after a Xmas break….

  • CHRIS – my point was let’s give the Planning our best shot ( last chance saloon ) before it gets completely overshadowed by the run up to election coverage , as rest assured that will be a major distraction from our local issues. As you know I have no allegiance to any party.

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