Chris Black has submitted the following written questions for Full District Council on Feb 26th:
1. Were all the council fees and charges for 2009/10 agreed by the relevant portfolio holders before January 27th?
2. Does the council have a list of landowners (i.e. freeholders) for Rayleigh Town Centre ?
I see that RDC are about to review their bonus scheme for staff and agree it for 2009/10 – what bonus?
This is for “employee of the day/year” and “team bonus”
for doing a good job and contributing to the smooth running of RDC. This to keep up moral of the staff and promote good relations!!
Although the amount appears small in comparison to the millions being wrongly paid out by Banks surely your bonus is having a secure job and your reward is your wages and knowing it is a job well done! Where on earth is this “bonus” situation going to stop?
My partner works in banking – works a lot more hours than he is contracted to do, has more work to do for the same money (thanks to redundancies) and quite frankly deserves any bonus he may be entitled to this year – to point out however, it is not an english bank and is not partially owned by the tax payer. My point here, is don’t tar all banks with the same brush – some of the foreign banks seem to know what they are doing and the English banks could learn a lot.
Has anyone also considered that with rising costs, and wages not increasing in line, some families may depend on those bonuses to be able to make ends meet?
Bonuses at your partner’s level are absolutely justified and fair Corey. Its the board level bonuses being paid even in the event of failure that MUST stop. At this level they are the gambling with 100’s of jobs and the British Economy to satisfy their own greed. If bonuses are to be stopped for lower levels in the Banks (and other similar organisations) then the wages have to be adjusted to meet the hours worked. Unfortunately, people are tarring all Bank Employees with the same brush which is grossly unfair.