Priory Chase Update !




priory ch

Yesterday we received the following update from an officer at County Highways:

I will be going to a meeting with Taylor Wimpey tomorrow to discuss the progress on site.
Outstanding items:
Drainage ? waiting for confirmation contractors have undertaken remedial works.
Lighting ? Some lighting faults still outstanding however most done.
Roundabout ? the mini roundabout has further works to be done to improve on the current design
Parking restrictions ? Our technical assistant has sent the (hopefully) final plan to internal departments for their agreement and has drawn up the documentation to allow us to go to a formal consultation on the restrictions…. If we get prompt replies we can hopefully request the consultation next week. Taylor Wimpey have previously agreed to undertake the works so hopefully this is still the case and will be confirmed tomorrow.
Signage and bollards ? roundabout signage, cycle/footway signs and bollards in Temple Way to be fitted….
…. Taylor Wimpey seem to be prioritising this site now so hopefully it will all be resolved soon.

About the author, admin

  • What are the advantages of being adopted? As mentioned on earlier post I strongly objected to the plan to put recycling bins in Priory Chase when it has not been adopted. But if it is does this give RDC the freedom to do so? If you want to know why I am against them being placed here :
    1 there are 2 already in Asda carpark
    2. not needed at the end of a cul de sac where little traffic
    3. look at the mess that ends up near them

  • Bruce, have you been down Priory Chase recently?

    Priory Chase currently has only one free lane for traffic in both directions. This one free lane to service traffic travelling in both directions services a busy leisure centre, school and a reasonably large estate. As a resident of this development I would rather have a few bins at the leisure centre on an adopted road than have to continue to endure ignorant drivers who pass parked cars at speed without due care and attention for oncoming traffic who have the legal right of way (I say this as someone who has come close to 2 head on collisions and physical assault which did require Police presence).

    I would hardly call Priory Chase a development that has little traffic, I look out over the Leisure Centre and see cars arriving and leaving constantly during the day, add to this the school rush twice a day as well as the cars associated with 100 plus properties.

    As for the mess – doesn’t my council tax pay for street cleaning? I wouldn’t currently know if it does, as living on a non adopted road we don’t get any street cleaning! Finally, it’s a council owned premises, surely it would be more advantageous for the council to house these bins on their property than pay any rent that they currently pay to ASDA for taking up their land??

  • HORSE POO ! Not sure if this is the right place for this post but, if you own the horse that poops not only on the pavement outside ASDA but also on the “run in” near to the cash machines then have decency to get off your horse and clear it up. You anti social half wit.

  • Once upon a time people would fight over horse poo for their gardens but now of course there are hardly any cultivable gardens ! rather better than Dog excrement.But you are right clear it up

  • Oz. Ask Asda they will have a camera on the cash machines. It would be in their interest if this is being traipsed through the store on customers feet. Is it me or are we breeding people with absolutely no sense of decency? Who would do what you described and make no attempt at cleaning up outside a grocery store? BTW who takes a horse to a cash machine?

  • Unfortunately there is no legal obligation for riders to clear up horse poo as, unlike dog poo, it is not considered a biohazard being mainly digested grass. If there is any on the pavement near us I do go out and collect it as compost for the garden. Popped into the compost bins to rot down nicely with the other stuff it enriches the manure nicely, or if you grow roses put it straight round them, they love it.

  • Back to the original issue ( Priory Close / Yellow Lines /adoption etc; ) – it’s been literally years now , if ECC can’t sort this out then what chance Rawreth Lane / Hullbridge Rd / Hambro Corner etc; – which of our Parish/ Town / District councillors also sit on the ECC?.

  • Admin,

    Can we have an update on this thread please. Drainage works were completed several weeks ago according to the contractor.The amount of time this is taking despite numerous promises of completion is now beyond funny!

      • Have some news tonight from the County Council:

        “We have finally cleared the objection to the waiting restrictions and can now seal the order. Taylor Wimpey have confirmed the sewer adoption and programmed the works for the final remedials and road lining. I will get our support team to start the S228 process to have it adopted. As normal I can’t give a timescale but we are nearly there!”

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