We’ve had the following information from the district council today:
Ground works as part of the football pitch development project off Priory Chase, Rayleigh (behind Rayleigh Leisure Centre) will begin on Monday 24th August and will continue for approximately 4-6 weeks.
Please note heavy goods vehicles will be accessing Priory Chase during these works.
We have asked if there any any restrictions on the hours for heavy vehicle movements.
Interesting news, especially as the hard standing car park in the ASDA site has now been closed off from use by local residents. Presumably in prepartion for Coarl to start building their unwanted shops etc?
I hope that the residents who were using this temporary car parking facility now park on the non-enforceable double yellow lines on Priory Chase – which were synically painted by ASDA to ease access for their deliveries and facilitate an unofficial bus terminus outside local houses.
The extra parking on the double yellow lines should make it clear to the idiots in the RDC planning department that there is just too much development down here and also make it suitably inconvienient for the extra lorries delivering to the building site and ASDA and disrupt the much maligned bus at the temporary bus terminus outside ASDA.
I think that we are sleep walking into an intolerable situation down here…
…. just in time for school re-opening at the beginning of September!! Why did planners not get their act together and commence this work at the start of the school holidays.
Let the chaos begin!!
Re the Asda gravelled area – this was only ever intended to be allowed to be used temporarily – as stated at the meeting last year at St Nicholas Church. It seems that most of the users were residents from the flats, and, as was discussed at this meeting, they were well aware when they purchased/rented their properties of the parking spaces that came with them – or not as the case may be. This is always the situation with flats – those that cost more have parking and others do not. You pays your money and you takes your choice.
I will check back on the Minutes to clarify matters. I assume that the Asda barrier is not closed at night so what is there to preclude the “gravel” parkers from parking in the main car park?
Lorry on site at 0458 this morning! Need I say more?
At least they are finally doing something with the land, I noticed they had cut the grass (weeds) in preparation and after more than 2 years of walking past the eye sore it will make a pleasant change to see it tidied up. Be interesting to see if they bank the edge and plant trees as suggested by the residents who live directly opposite.
I agree the timing is terrible with the children going back next week, on the subject of the school its a shame they cant incorporate the parking to the right of the plot next to the school, this could potentially have been used as an overflow to reduce the congestion at school drop off and pick up times.
Can you send me a copy of the pitch layout. I have looked on the site as it used to be under one of the topics, but I can’t find it. Has the plan changed? shouldn’t we as residents have been sent something informing us of when and what exactly was happening? Do you think the ultimate plan will be to hand the pitches to the leisure centre to run once completed?
Kris, I will get it for you…