Planning Applications coming up….




There are a few interesting planning applications coming up at the District Council next Thursday 22nd:

An application from Rayleigh Cricket Club ( 06/0190/FUL) to allow late night use of their clubhouse for social events. This would be up to 11pm Sunday to Thursday and up to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays. Officers are recommending refusal because of its effects on residents.

An application for a tree nursery in Beeches Road , Rawreth (06/0185/FUL). This would include two polytunnels. The site is close to the River Crouch and officers are recommending refusal because it would affect the open character of the area.

A new application at 1 Harper Way, Rayleigh (roughly opposite the Travellers Joy) for a side extension to allow a pair of one-bedroom flats. (07/00001 /FUL) A similar scheme was refused last October by councillors but officers are recommending approval.

Reshaping and landscaping of part of Hanover Golf Course off Hullbridge Road (06/01096/FUL) . The new owners want to improve safety and create three reservoirs to safeguard a water supply in case of drought orders. The reservoirs would be about 5000 square metres each and filled up from a local spring during each winter. Officers are recommending refusal because of the effects on the local water system

About the author, admin

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