Guest blog post by Stephen Tellis, Rayleigh & Wickford Lib Dem Chair
Well Christmas is well and truly over and the planners at RDC are kicking off the year with an almost comedic report which recommends APPROVAL for 35 flats on the old Dairy Crest site in the heart of Rayleigh.
RDC’s lust to allow the overdevelopment of Rayleigh continues in an unfettered way, with this report which sees an abundance of the Councils own policies, being ducked and dived more times than in an episode of Only Fools. They just can’t help themselves as they continue to try to ‘sign off’ on another disastrous development.
The application FALLS SHORT of what we should expect to see from any proposed development on so many levels this developer will surely be truly laughing more than while watching the Christmas special of Gavin & Stacey, all the way to the bank, if this one gets past the development committee. This application isn’t lush by anyone’s standards.
Let’s look at what they’ll get away with…
Brownfield site or not there’s also the loss of employment land which has already been identified by RDC’s economic dept as lacking. This site would serve nicely as a shared coworking space, something business people are desperate for.
Take a look at the script here. You’ll either laugh or cry. It seems the Tories continue to torture Rayleigh residents with more unwanted building.
The RDC policy is dictated by fear of “Developer Appeal Costs ” not actual planning criteria – another example of how the ‘system’ is dysfunctional. Truth is that RDC lack the resource & expertise to impose
the ( oh so obvious ) reasonable restraints that would limit the impact of development – FACT.
RDC planning really don’t care whether it’s large development or residential plans. We have been left with a nightmare from plans being passed for next door development from 3 bedroom house to three storey house with garage built to our boundary now changed into room with no room for guttering so we now have rainwater coming over into our covered sideway, despite numerous phone calls etc
I think, with respect, that all Council Planners should have their salaries and Banking finances looked into. anyone with an ounce of sense wouldn’t allow something like this to get the go ahead.
35 flats means at least 35 cars!! Parking? No provision. Access – narrow. Changes needed to the junction! Bet they don’t think about that until development occupied!
If car access is via the High Street it’s an accident waiting to happen. To near the junction too. They are nuts to even consider this.?I can’t post this unless l leave an e mail address. I shouldn’t have to.
Apart from the obvious bad position ( for vehicles leaving or going in ) all traffic has to cross the public footpath route – the ‘Planning System’ is clearly dysfunctional .