Hawkwell Councillor John Mason reckons it’s worth residents opposed to the David Wilson Homes application in Hawkwell writing one more letter to the government, now that there are new rules about ‘garden grabbing’.
He says on his website:
If you wish to help stop the 330 David Wilson Homes in Hawkwell please consider writing another letter to Mr. Pickles and his Planning Casework Team at email address PCC@communities.gsi.gov.uk
The Planning Casework team at Communities and Local Government will be issuing the Decision Letter.
Suggested Letter
Dear Mr Pickles
PINS Reference APP/B1550/A/09/2118700/NWF
I understand that your Government has very recently made changes to PPS3 in
respect of a minimum housing density and garden grabbing.
I further understand from The Planning Inspectorate that The Planning
Inspector?s Recommendation was forwarded to you on 8 June on the very day that
your Government was making changes to PPS3 and that The Planning Inspector
might not have taken this into account as material changes in planning
considerations that affect this Appeal.
A number of acres of ?garden? have, on the face of things, been included in the
land that had been put forward in the David Wilson Homes Planning Application
and at, it could be, a density greater than 30 dwellings per hectare. One of
these gardens is at 82 Thorpe Road and the other is at the Chalet in Rectory
In view of the change in Government Policy the implications are that the Appeal
should now be Dismissed for these reasons and further to the fact that the
proposed development at 330 is way in excess of the 175 recommended by Rochford
District Council in its Core Strategy which lower figure was not even based on
local needs but the RSS which you intend to abolish.
Thank you for your attention to this letter and I look forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely