Not Very Impressed by a Tory Leaflet




It’s good to see them making an effort , but we can’t give very high marks to the recent Tory leaflet in Whitehouse Ward. Here’s some criticisms of what they say:

“Rochford – A Top Authority”.
No mention that our Tory-Controlled Council has been officially rated as “A Weak Council”.

“Your Conservative Team for Whitehouse”
– it’s great to see them giving the phone numbers of their councillors – doesn’t always happen in Rayleigh. But where are their addresses and their email addresses?

“Conservative Councillors have turned down two planning bids …The two Conservative Councillors in this ward completely supported and encouraged objections from over 100 residents” Well, we know what they mean. We get VERY concerned about developments in our own area. But councillors are supposed to stay neutral before the meeting. In Downhall and Rawreth we certainly publicise what’s going on so people know they can make their views heard. People may support or oppose, and if the views are overwhelmingly against we know what they think. . But no councillor should go around deliberately encouraging objections without accepting that if someone wants to support an application they can do so as well. Otherwise the Council could be vulnerable if the application goes to appeal.

About the author, admin

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