If you haven’t looked at Countryside’s masterplan for “North of London Road” , you can find it on their website here.
You can also find their opinion on the traffic situation here. Key sentences:
The Local Highway Authority, Essex County Council, has confirmed that with improvement works, traffic from the development of 550 new homes can be accommodated on the local road network without having a negative impact on safety and capacity.
We have carried out a Transport Assessment that considers firstly the current operation of key junctions on London Road and Rawreth Lane, and secondly their future operation should the development go ahead, taking into account both a natural background increase in traffic, and traffic associated with other proposed developments in the area, to provide a robust assessments of effects.
The Transport Assessment recognises that there is existing queuing on London Road and at the Rawreth Lane/Hullbridge Road mini-roundabout, and it identifies a range of highway measures that could improve traffic flows and reduce queuing in these areas. Not all of the improvements identified in the Transport Assessment would be needed as a result of the traffic generation from the development. We would either implement appropriate highway improvements, or contribute financially to allow the Highway Authority to implement appropriate improvements, with the actual works selected from the range of possible improvements identified in the Transport Assessment, following further discussion with the Highway Authority and District Council.
We think residents will have their own views on this… We will obviously be examining this very very carefully.
Exactly – gobbledeegook , just meaningless words –
“Can be accommodated ” – HOW?
“Robust assessments” – WHAT?
“Identifies a range of highway measures…” WHAT/ WHERE / WHEN?
“Not all the improvements will be needed..” WHY NOT?
” …..Highway authority to implement appropriate improvements” – NO CHANCE!!!
“..further discussion with Highways and District Council..” – POINTLESS.
Prepare to be stitched up people……
the overall tone of this and the extent and results of their traffic surveys is very worrying
for the whole of Rayleigh
The surveys do not extend far enough, there is no consideration of the junctions at the top of Crown Hill and London Hill nor the Beeches Road/Watery Lane/Lower Road route to Ashingdon
these are all problems daily NOW
There has never been a survey conducted for watery lane. How can this be a sound judgement? I accept it’s a c class road but it’s a rat run and when it freezes or floods has a major impact on the local traffic as evidenced recently with its closure. You can access all essex highways traffic data under the freedom of information. County Hall. With the additional Hullbridge homes à can imagine school drop off at sweyne park getting worse.
Dee. I would like to draw your attention to a traffic survey carried out by Rawreth Parish Council in April 2010 as part of our evidence to the core strategy consultation .It shows that in a 12 hour period between 7 am and 7pm .there were 2022. Movements westbound and 2848 eastbound .The full history of the parishes responses are available on our website .it is very comprehensive but most is still relevant to the application .Please refer to it .
Yesterday it took an age to travel from Basildon Gardiners Lane Tesco to Hambro Parade. Queues all the way. This will grow worse. There needs to be a massive upgrade to Rawreth Lane or better still another road to Hullbridge that does not flood or is not closed on a regular basis.
To what standard was this survey conducted? Was it a few men counting cars in high vis for a day or conducted to Essex Highways standards? Our hullbridge councillor gary congram has set up an online appeal for a true traffic analysis of this area to Include watery lane and diversions. See Hullbridge Facebook group page. Traffic has been grossly underestimated and has grown since 2010. Airport enlarged, southend employment declined and our 17/18 year olds are now driving more and attending compulsory 6th form colleges adding to school run figures. There are recent surveys conducted by essex highways using camera anpr timed technology for the possible crossing by lubard’s and another further up which highlighted the impact and queue lengths of buses waiting at the Hambro parade shops. I believe the first survey was conducted at a time when traffic was slow moving due to watery lane being closed therefore traffic flowed less, the count was less . When problems occur sometimes for weeks, they have an impact on Rawreth lane. With the Hullbridge 500 homes and rayleigh 500 or more how many additional cars will travel towards sweyne park and the station. I’m fully aware of the data behind the traffic analysis regarding Rawreth lane/Hambro junction. Will the landowner give up more greenbelt for a new slip road and roundabout? The relocation of the bus stop is unpopular. There hasn’t been any traffic analysis of missed volumes of traffic that cut through by Teignmouth, mortimer Rd and Ferndale to avoid the roundabout. I’ve used ferndale/kings farm many times to get past snarl ups at the roundabout. Neither has there been any analysis as to how much traffic actually stops at Hullbridge or is passing traffic for rochford/rayleigh. Nothing for watery lane, so no, the data hasn’t been linked up for true traffic analysis of the proposed development areas. Now I’m going to throw something in. Why was Deans school saved? Was it because the planners have underestimated the need for 6th form and secondary school places in Rayleigh despite forecasting a drop? I can see the Hullbridge and Rawreth children being commuted to Deans as the sweyne park catchment changes for these parishes. Thus entitled to free transport and reduction of traffic.
Bruce we need the Town Council and Parish Council to actively lobby the District Council in respect of the current outline planning permission request – it does’nt contain any committment to a Rawreth Lane solution , look at the weasel words.
Dee.Yes it was several volunteers actively jotting down every vehicle ,No it was not to highways standards ! We all know what they are like! We are and have been active from the very beginning in 2009 .The survey was done at the same time as one on Rawreth Lane which is accessed from our website .We submitted it with our evidence,it was completely ignored ,but at every stage of the process we have persisted in our opposition to the Developements ,it was us who put forward an alternative in Rawreth .It was dismissed .On the 1st of October at the next Parish Council meeting we will be giving an opportunity to our residents to discuss the application as we have an extension to allow us to finalise our response.We have consistently responded throughout the period ,not at the last stage when it was almost too late .
Can I attend the Parish Council meeting please ? , I live about 100yards outside your Eastern boundary – but suffer Rawreth Lane issues everyday! thanks – JIM.
These are public meetings, you can certainly attend.
Yes you will be most welcome,We will probably extend the public participation part and try and get the routine business done promptly. Hope the meeting will not still have the travellers horse problem to discuss then !
Thank you , although I am quite outspoken on here I am not a trouble maker (CHRIS would vouch for me I ‘m sure ) , for me the big issue is Rawreth Lane traffic – it cannot cope already and the new housing traffic will make it impossible.
We can confirm that Jim’s a gentleman….not a trouble maker 🙂
Jim, you’ll be interested in what Countryside had to say about that when I attended their exhibition for Parish Councillors at the Civic Suite this morning.
Yes, I’m sure they will have a name for me , having spent my career in design and construction projects all over the world – I know how thay classify “locals” at their strategy meetings……….
Seems Countryside expect exit from the site will be via London Road, no improvements on Rawreth Lane except provision of more enforcement cameras at Bedloes Corner and contribution to Junction improvements at Hullbridge Road .Free bus service to the Station will be offered ,that may have reliability problems as buses get stuck in the inevitable jammed London Road .
PS to 15 above –
If forming an opinion I would just ask you to consider their motive (£) and my own
motive ????…..
PPS: and strategy meetings also consider understanding the local Council’s position and spinning the pitch accordingly………..