It’s been a long night for us at the count….
District Council : Conservatives won everything that was available! That including holding on to Sweyne Park Ward:
Joan Mockford (Conservative) 516
Pat Putt (Liberal Democrat) 353
Kim Gandy (English Democrat) 236
Conservative Majority 163
Full results here at the Echo
Rayleigh Town Council – We held our two seats in Downhall unopposed, but didn’t make any gains. Though the results in Sweyne Park were quite close:
Roland Adams 543 (con) – elected
Margaret Spencer 527 (con) – elected
Pat Weaver 492 (con) – elected
Mike Nobes 446 (lib dem)
Lindsay Frend 442 (lib dem)
Trevor Parrett 414 (lib dem)
So, not a great night to remember. But our main gain this year has been finding some great candidates that will be sticking with us for future elections…….
National Issues dominate again! Sad for Rayleigh. Great effort everybody and most importantly of all – What a pleasure to meet the whole Lib Dem Team. Hey, We’ve only taken a beating early on in a LONG fight…
I would like to thank everyone who voted for Pat, Mike, Trevor and myself for the Sweyne Ward (if you read this site!). Although we didn’t manage to get any seats, it was quite a close race, and i for one, amd proud to say that 442 people voted for me. Maybe next time round I’ll get a better result.
Thank you once again to Jackie & Chris, and everyone else who helped deliver leaflets for us. To coin a phrase……. ‘I’ll be back….’ third time lucky maybe?! 🙂
I would like to echo Lindsays comment. It was very, very close and all the LibDem candidates and the work put in by Jackie, Chris, Ron and everybody else got us so close. Behind closed doors there will be no smug Tory faces, they know if the weather had been better and more people had come out to vote then it might well have been a very different story. In Central Ward I managed to get 25% of the vote with leafletting 48% of the houses in the ward, no canvassing, no knocking on doors and not even managing to get into the ward until the last weekend before the election. That again tells a different story from one we will get from the Conservatives. If I had only managed to leaflet or conduct some canvassing, well I will next time.
Thank you to everyone who voted for me in Central and to everyone who voted for us in Sweyne ward and to the great work done by all the people backing us up. In Arnies words, “I (we) will be back”
One last thought, it was so good working with people who have the community at heart as opposed to having their own self interest come first. That is the one thing that sets us apart from the rest. That is the one thing that will keep us working for the community and the one thing that will eventually defeat the Tories. Have a good weekend all.
Good to see that you are building up a strong team again. The Conservatives can be beaten. I was ‘third time lucky’ when I won in Canewdon back in 1991 although hard work and persistence may have had something to do with it 🙂
Hi Trevor, I think we have a good team here, well able to beat the Conservatives eventually. My main concern now is that the Tories will try and force through the housing without first ensuring the infrastructure is improved. They postponed the decision on development until after the election and you don’t have to be brains of Britain to realise why. We have to ensure the residents realise that they may live to regret re-electing the Conservatives.
I have just read Terry Cutmore’s comment in the Echo saying, his party’s success in the elections has shown the confidence people have in Rochford District Council’s leadership. Now the truth, if we had managed to get more candidates this would not have been the landslide that he is talking about. It is more about the lack of people contesting the Tory held seats. He only has to look at Sweyne Park Town votes. This would have been replicated if more people had stood. Just a bit of Tory spin on what could have been a very uncomfortable evening. Unfortunately people will have to learn the hard way on what another four years of Tory rule will do to our district!
This will work in our favour for the next district elections – between now and then we’ll have the next general election – we all know that the Tory’s will probably win that. We also all know that they can’t do any better than the current government! Will enjoy looking at their faces in four years, when we help them in losing most, if not all of their seats!
As I wasn’t a candidate or agent on Thursday night, I never got onto the rostrum myself. So I had to listen to a lot of speeches! The Lib Dems who did speak spoke very well. However I reckon the most powerful comment came from Alison Mayor , with the succinct line that she was glad she didn’t have to share the stage with certain persons “who should be throwing themselves at the mercy of God rather than at the electorate.”
Just to finish off this subject for me and a thought about respect and ethics, I believe Simon Smith owes Chris and Elana Black an apology for his comments on Thursday night. I believe his coment went something like this, “The only thing missing tonight is a liberal candidate and a Liberal winner” The reason Elana was not there was because she had been ill for ten days and the reason there were no Liberal winners was because of the fabrication of the truth by Simon’s party. You should be ashamed of yourself Simon!
Yes, Simon did put his foot in it. But later on in the evening he came over to me and apologised. So that matter is closed. He’s a good lad at heart.
Hopefully Lena will return to work today after 2 weeks of illness.
We need to keep our team solid and KEEP pushing hard on all the local issues that matter to our community. Common sense will prevail and we’ll be given our chance by the electorate next time I’m sure.
Thank you, Chris.
It makes me sick to the core to see people masquerading as decent human beings whilst trying to propogate their own agenda of hatred, fear and intolerance. Anyone who saw Mr Barnbrook’s post-mayoral election speech will know what I mean.
I thought that Jeremy Thomass also gave a great speech against fascism- I didn’t like his pro-Cameron rhetoric though 😉
To add the Chris and Alison’s comments. Mr Stanton is in the Echo again owning up to his involvement with the BNP.
Apparently he has changed his mind again. This man on top on everything else does not even have the courage of his convictions. To me this is a very confused man with a long history of being unable to commit to standing for any set of values or remaining loyal to anyone for too long.