Lib Dem Colchester councillor Nick Barlow writes here about he wants to make Colchester Borough Council meetings better for the public. Colchester is currently run by a joint Lib Dem / Labour / Residents administration.
Colchester is already doing better than Rochford – for example, as Nick explains on his blog, at most meetings the public can already turn up and speak.
Perhaps we should ask Nick to come to Rochford and give us a training session….
Interesting post. I was recently told by some councillors they had been discouraged to use social media. I haven’t had that conversation yet myself and can’t see why we would be discouraged from engaging with the residents.
I’ve actively been trying to get people to attend council meetings as I believe it will help become more transparent if public the attend.
I’m asking if we can get more community noticeboards around Rayleigh too so we can disseminate information in an offline manner too.