As previously advised, the District Council LDF sub-committee meets at 7:30 on Monday night at the Civic Suite in Rayleigh.
The public are welcome to come and watch , but can’t speak.
You can download the officers report from this page. The document is 161 pages long (2.4 mb). It:
We don’t expect anything to be decided on Monday night, but it is still a very influentail meeting. Here are some key extracts from the report:
5.1 The next stage in the development of the Core Strategy is the production of the Submission version. As the name suggests this is the document which, following further consultation with stakeholders and the public, restricted to representations relating solely to soundness, is submitted to the Secretary of State for public examination.
5.2 The Submission version will contain detailed proposals and policies,
developed having regard to the results of consultation and assessment of the previous stages.
5.3 It is suggested that a Member tour of the possible development proposed in the Rochford Core Strategy Preferred Options document and other sites identified through consultation would be helpful to enable Members to reach a conclusion about the Submission plan.
is proposed that the Sub-Committee RESOLVES
(1) That a District-wide tour for Members, encompassing all potential
development locations, is organised and undertaken to assist Members
in consideration of the Submission version of the Core Strategy.
(2) Further meetings of the Sub-committee be arranged to consider the contents of the submission version of the Rochford Core Strategy.
A few snippets from the parish council responses
Rayleigh Town Council :
Contrary to the stated role of the Core Strategy, the
location referred to as ?North of London Road?
identifies a specific site, ruling out other suitable
sites identified from the ?Call for Sites? exercise.
This should be reworded to allow other areas to be
The area around Rawreth Lane and London Road
suffers considerable congestion. This situation will
be exasperated by the development of additional
housing in the area.
Hawkwell Parish Council:
State that they are incensed by the failure to
recognise Hawkwell as a settlement in its own right
State that Hawkwell is the biggest Parish by
population and second only to Rayleigh Town but
appears to have been subsumed into Hockley.
Express concern that as a settlement which is
ignored in the Core Strategy, they are having little
say on the future allocation of housing for the
Rawreth Parish Council:
State that they are extremely disappointed at the
lack of integrity by Members of the Local
Development Framework sub-committee regarding
the allocation figures for housing in the District.
Rawreth has not appeared in previous paperwork
and should be considered a Tier 4 settlement.
Rawreth is not part of, and should be considered
separate from, Rayleigh.
Development of 1050 dwellings within Rawreth
represents a 228% increase and is unjustifiable,
unsustainable and would destroy the character of
I have just read this document, some parts thoroughly and some I skipped through. When I reached pages 6.131 to 6.143 I was amazed at the way this section had been presented. It was full of typing errors and spelling mistakes, to the extent that it was difficult to read and totally unacceptable. How Rochford District Council allowed this to be published without being scrutinised is unbelievable. This has spoiled what otherwise seems to be a well presented report. VERY UNPROFESSIONAL RDC!!
I’m “exasperated” at the typos and lack of proof reading,in the snippet quoted the word should be EXACERBATED!!!
A mammoth read for the weekend
Greenbelt- the comments here were from pupils at Greensward School, it seems that they were typing pretty fast during the discussion session – hence the typos and and textspeak
By the way, the comments on page 6.10 are from Rochford Parish Council not Rochford District Council . And I was interested to read on page 6.13 that Rawreth Parish Council are building a community garden in the centre of Rochford and think some houses could be built in the same area….
But, that aside, the officer(s) had a massive task -to summarise all those responses into a 160 page document isn’t easy.
I don’t know what to make of this other than the fact that I am unimpressed.
Thanks for clearing up the Rochford district/parish statement on 6.10 chris.
We know that Hawkwell have been pushing all along for us to have all the houses here in Rawreth and now we have Rochford PC openly doing the same, suggesting a complete new village here. If this isn’t NIMBYISM – well, thanks Hawkwell and Rochford.
I note that the next document will be produced following further consultation with the public etc.,but this consultation will be restricted solely to soundness.
Not a lot of consultation there then.
As I have I explained here before it is not The Hawkwell Action Group, nor myself, as a District Council Member or Hawkwell, which/who is suggesting that all the houses are built in Rawreth.
If you mean that Hawkwell PARISH COUNCIL has referred to this, then your argument is with that Council.
I have not heard any residents of Hawkwell actually putting that view forward.
This misunderstanding has occurred before.
What is clear from all the responses is:
– little/no support for current plans from residents (but support from developers!)
– no concensus on way forward.
I’ve said it before, residents are simply arguing against each other, cancelling each other out, and thus enabling RDC to impose their solution.
We really need a constructive debate on the way forward.