From today new rules come into effect for HMO’s across England. The effect of the news rules as yet are unproven. Rochford District Council’s portfolio holder for community seems to think it’s a good idea, saying
“Licensing of HMOs ensures that our housing team know about properties which may present significant health risk to residents. It also gives us the evidence that shows appropriate management arrangements have been made for the property. The changes to the regulations will drive up conditions for residents. Through the licensing process, officers will be able to advise property owners of the regulations and enforce them.”
but the BBC say that ‘some tenants may face rent rises or eviction.’ – we already know of residents in other parts of the county that are facing such worries.
If you own an HMO or are a tenant let us know what you think.
More information from Rochford District Council can be found here
No one wants to encourage bad living conditions or ‘rogue’ landlords, but i cannot help thinking the creep of bureaucracy into previously unregulated informal arrangements will reduce accommodation available. Will the council be able to regulate HMO’s? If they cannot what will happen? Will funds end up being diverted from other services and will they suffer? Sorry too many questions…