Murder At The Museum




Last night we spent a night at the museum trying to solve a ‘murder mystery’

In a first for the museum and for us, we spent a good couple of hours working our way through the history of Rayleigh in order to solve the crime of the century.

Our team was tasked with solving clues with the answers around the museum and also we had to venture out on to the High St, where some clues could be answered by reading the heritage plagues. Despite living in Rayleigh for a long time, I must admit I am guilty of passing them regulary and not taking the time to learn out our town – it was very interesting.

Fortunately for us there wasn’t too many ‘Jessica Fletcher’s’ in the room and we triumphed in our quest to be the first to solve the mystery! It was an interesting night and the volunteers should be commended on an entertaining night out for the 30 odd guests at the museum.

About the author, Cllr James Newport

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