We received the following email from a resident a couple of nights ago and have passed it on to the District Council:
I was walking through the park with my wife and our dog tonight, at
5.15pm- 5.50pm when I heard a motorbike. There was a boy about 14 years old
tearing through the park on a motorbike, there was a man with two dogs close by
and it turned out he was the boys father.There were other walkers, dog walkers and horse riders using the park and
thought I’ve seen it all now????the tranquil peace of the park decimated
by some thoughtless moron letting his son ride a motorbike through the park,
it was a ? sized bike and very fast, if someone had been walking across
the park they could quite easily have been mown down. I did take some photos
on my phone but I don’t know how to send them.
Was this Sweyne Park? as I think there has been problems with motorbikes in the past, but haven’t seen any here for awhile.
Yes. it was… (I’d edited out the original mention of Sweyne Park in the email, my mistake!)