More on The Virgin Signs

Declaration of interest (Chris Black) – I am a member of Virgin Leisure, though I only use the Rayleigh Centre as a cafe.

We’ve had a couple of queries regarding the signs application from Virgin Leisure, so here’s some more info. They are applying for 6 signn located as on the plan below:


This is the proposed appearance and location of Sign A in the corner of Rawreth Lane and Priory Chase (4 metres high)


This is the proposed appearance and location of Sign B in Priory Chase (4 metres high)


This is the proposed appearance and location of Sign C in Priory Chase (4 metres high)


The three other signs are in three “D” locations and described as “Double Sided Directional Lamp Post Signs 1200mm High x 500mm Wide Hung 3m From Pavement Level”

About the author, admin

  • Copied over from previous post:

    Admin, Why have you assumed in the title of this application that the signs will be in Rawreth Lane?
    The address on the Planning Application is clearly ‘Rayleigh Leisure Centre, Priory Chase, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 9NF’
    If your assumptions are true then this planning application would be an incorrect submission.

  • Copied over from previous post:

    Yes, as RDC have an interest in these premises the Planning Dept. should have picked up on this and corrected it to provide a TRUE description of the sign locations.
    Why do they need all these signs in Rawreth Lane? What’s wrong with the standard brown signs that are nationally recognised for these types of premises?
    Rawreth Lane will look like Down Town America soon and approval of such signs will re-open the problems we had before where non-approved signs started to appear at the entrance to the Rawreth Industrial Estate road and trenders Avenue. For those who don’t know about this, RDC had to enforce removal of the unauthorised signs, advertising businesses some distance away, by written notice.

  • If only Ian……this area is crying out for a swimming pool – what a great resource for the local primary school and general public …..I know its all been said before though!

  • I take it that despite the Leisure Centre having been insitu for the past 3 years, people still can’t find it, which is why they need 6 signs within a distance of 200 feet?

  • Admin, Why are the comments of 3rd October under the heading “4 Responses to “Planes in Barling, Signs in Rawreth Lane” not linked to this section headed “More on The Virgin Signs”?
    If you cannot provide the link would you please transfer my comments to here.
    I am adamant that these signs are advertisments for Virgin Active and will provide unfair free advertising to a company that RDC are in partnership with. The submission that these are directional signs is a misrepresentation of their true function. I would say 95% adverising to 5% directional.
    I have objected to this planning application on these grounds as I feel that any private company attempting this would have plans rejected. If approved, a president will be set and I can see many other companies, with premises a fair distance from a main road, as the Sports Centre is, making similar applications.
    Imperial Park and Rawreth Industrial Estate are prime examples.

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