Here’s a few more snippets of news from Rayleigh Town Council:
Legal Success: There’s been some good news about the grafitti on the skateboard equipment in King Georges Field. The Town Council took legal action in the civil courts against two of the people who caused the damage- and they’ve paid a sum towards cleaning it up! So full marks to the Town Council here.
The Sports Pavilion: We understand that although it’s been completed, the building is still undergoing ‘snagging’. The Town council is now thinking about a planning application to use some of the upper floor of the pavilion for office accomodation, meetings and storage. Meanwhile there seems to be a worry in the minds of some of the Conservative Councillors that people are starting to call it the “Bowls Club Pavilion” This worry clearly wasn’t lessened by the Bowls Club asking to have their name written on the wall of the building , and the Town Council have turned down this request.
Website: The Town Council is still developing it’s website – all we can find so far is this.
Arguments over a “Dress Code”: It seems that some of the Conservative lady councillors, who like to look smart for their meetings, are mildly unhappy that some of their male colleagues look as if they’ve come to meetings straight from the garden. So an attempt was made to get a proper ‘Dress Code” adopted for meetings – but this has been turned down. There seems to be a slight “Ealing Comedy” air about this , but some people apparently take this issue very seriously and are concerned about maintaining standards.
Maintaining the Skateboarding Area: The Town Council is spending ?220 plus VAT to repair the skateboarding area – this will include replacing the protector plate on the mini ramp and hip pipe, to remove and refit a steel angle on the fun box, and also fix a rivet in the run upplate on the quarter pipe ramp.