Well done to Cllr Michael Hoy for trying to improve the District Council’ licensing policy:
That was the only change to the policy and I?m pleased to say that a cumulative impact policy (saturation) is being included in the document. This means that any new applicant within the area (Rayleigh) will have to demonstrate that the new license will not add to existing problems.
I agree wholeheartedly with your comments in The Southend Standard on August 21st. We live on the Eastwood Road and have been plagued with vandalism since all the new bars and night clubs opened. The drunken (and probably drugged) louts come past our house screaming and shouting obscenities between 1.00pm – 4.00 pm in the morning. They have also kicked down our fence panels, broken our flower pots and have recently knocked down part of our neighbour’s wall. In the past they have torn down iron railings and damaged cars. There might well be a policing scheme in the high street but there is no police presence on their walk home, so they don’t all come from outside the area, sadly many of them are local. This is a relatively recent problem in the past few years, so it is obviously down to the new drinking establishments.