Marks And Spencer Plan To Convert The Co-Op Into Two Units




For those people wondering what Marks and Spencer are really planning to do in Rayleigh, one of the applications on the latest ‘weekly list’ is a clue. It’s the last one in this document here. (starting on page 30).

These are the key paragraphs:

This application seeks planning consent for external alterations relating to the
change of the former The Co-operative Food store in Rayleigh to that of M&S
Simply Food. The store has a frontage of 74metres onto Eastwood Road and
lies within the Primary Shopping Frontage Area. It is outside of the Rayleigh
Conservation Area.
The proposed external alterations will facilitate the subdivision of the former
Co-operative store into two units with the larger unit to be occupied by an
M&S foodhall and the other sublet the occupier yet to be confirmed.


About the author, admin

  • Admin, do RDC have a team that actively pursue large companies ( Next, John Lewis etc) with a view to getting them in this type of location. Please please not another pizza bar or eatery….

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