There’s an application in Ashingdon recommended for approval by officers. It’s to extend a mobile phone tower in Ashingdon to assist with digital TV when it comes:
Application No : 10/00183/FUL Zoning : Metropolitan Green Belt
Parish : Ashingdon Parish Council
Ward : Ashingdon And Canewdon
Location : Rouncefall The Chase Ashingdon
Proposal : Extend Existing Tower by 2.5 Metres and Add 6m
High Climbable Mounting Pole (Overall Height 31
Metres) Install 4 Tiers of UHF Antennas , One x
0.75m Diameter Dish and Install One x Meter Cabinet
and One x Feeder Gantry One x Equipment Cabin at
Mast Base, and a Compound Extension.
Ashingdon Parish Council: No objection.
Planning permission is sought to extend the existing tower by 2.5 metres and
add a 6 metre high climbable mounting pole (overall height 31 metres), to
install 4 tiers of UHF antennas, one 0.75 metre diameter dish and to install
one meter cabinet and one feeder gantry at the mast base at Rouncefall, The
Chase, Ashingdon.
…..Whilst the existing tower supports antenna for mobile phone operators ?Tmobile?
and ?3?, the proposed development is not required to support any new
mobile phone antenna or operations but is required to enable this existing
transmitting station to become one of the nine new television sites required to
close identified gaps in coverage associated with the digital switchover.
One resident is objecting:
o At present we can only see it from our front bedroom windows but
when this is extended it will be seen from all the front of the property
and this will detrimental impact on our view of the countryside
o Having more dishes on this mask will also impose on our outlook.
o We are very worried about the health risks from this mobile tower and
feel that if this extended it may give off more radio waves which can be
detrimental to our health.
o When the wind is blowing in the direction of our property we can hear
the generator at present and this may be louder if they extent the
You can find the full report here (105kb)