Love Is In The Air For Hambro Close Residents




Love is in the fresh air for Hambro Close residents today, after Cllrs Craig Cannell and Chris Stanley shot a cupid’s arrow straight through the heart of Rochford District Councils planners, when they moved to refuse an application to develop council land.

The application that Rochford District Council were hoping to get permission for would see the removal of open space and the removal of an established tree from the site.

Residents of the Close, naturally, weren’t loving the idea of losing their small area of open space and opposition Councillors understood how important the space was to them and there was no love lost between residents and the Council planners.

Our Councillors successfully moved to refuse the application on the grounds of non-compliance with policy DM3

avoiding the loss of important open space which provides a community benefit and/or visual focus in the street scene;

Officers had cited that the application was policy compliant but yet again proved to be wrong!

Proposal is considered to achieve compliance with the relevant policy requirements and represents appropriate infill development.

Unfortunately, this has become a common trait of the applications that have been presented to the development committee in recent times and the impact for local residents can be significant.

We hope residents continue to enjoy their open space for years to come and their love for it continues to grow.

About the author, Editor

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