36 members of the public came along to the Rayleigh Town Council Planning Committee this week!
This isn’t the District Council committee that actually decides things, this is just a way in which the Town Council can express an opinion on planning applications.
The Town Council objected to three applications:-
1 : 22 Hullbridge Road. on the grounds that the access is substandard with restricted visibility due to the bend onto a very busy road and in providing the new access, the area available for car parking at the existing bungalow would be sufficiently reduced to cause vehicles to leave the premises in reverse to the detriment of road safety.
They also concluded that it was an undesirable form of backland development
2 : The Bull Lane proposal for retirement flats on the grounds of bulk and appearance in the street scene, also insufficient off street parking.
3 : The ASDA signs, because of their size and location would be a distraction to passing motorists to the detriment of road safety.
The sceptic in me is wondering how many appeals will be heard before ASDA get their way (again) and the signs stay?