The following questions have been submitted to next Thursday’s Full Council:
The Proper Officer reports that, pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 12.2, the following questions have been received:-
From Cllr C I Black:-
(a) Of the Portfolio Holder for Young Persons, Adult Services, Community Care and Well Being, Health and Community Safety
In response to a public question at the Full Council Meeting on July 27th last year, your predecessor stated “The Council will continue to be proactive in this period of transformation to ensure that the Rochford District has an appropriate level of health service provision in the new structure”.
What has the District Council actually achieved in the past year on this?
(b) Of the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation
Can you please advise me of the approximate number of ongoing planning enforcement cases today, the number of officers in the planning enforcement team, and whether they are full or part time?
(c) Of the Portfolio Holder for the Environment
In response to a question at Full Council on October 26th 2010 you were asked “Do you believe that the Members of the Executive had adequate oversight of the tendering arrangements for the New Materials Recovery Facility contract?” and you replied “Yes”. Do you still believe that?
(d) Of the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation
Do you agree with me that the current arrangements for District
Councillors to liaise with County Highways are not adequate?
1.3 From Cllr Mrs D Hoy:-
Of the Leader of the Council
Can you confirm the following with regard to Rochford District Matters?
How many copies are printed and paid for in each print run.
How much does each print run cost.