There’s been some discussion in social media about burglaries and crime in Rayleigh, so it’s worth looking at the crime stats for Rayleigh (including Rawreth) on the website.
The latest figure are for May. June’s figures will be available at the end of this month, so if there has been a surge in burglaries it should be shown then. As you can see from the figures below, the number of burglaries in Rayleigh ebbs and flows, in a good month there are only 5, in a bad month there might be 20. There were 148 burglaries in Rayleigh last year. , and we have about 15000 homes. Even if all those burglaries (rather than businesses) it still means that each of us likely to get burgled about once every hundred years.
If you want to reduce the risk further, get some police advice here.
Month ? ? ? ? ? ? Burglaries??????????? Robberies ? ? ? ? ?? Shoplifting???????? ASB ? ? All Crimes???? All Crimes Except ASB
May 2015???????????? 8????????????????????????? 0??????????????????????????? 15????????????????????? 39????????????????? 149???????????? 110
Apr 2015???????????? 15???????????????????????? 0????????????????????????????? 5????????????????????? 57????????????????? 143?????????????? 86
Mar 2015????????????? 9???????????????????????? 1???????????????????????????? 11????????????????????? 46????????????????? 158??????????? ? 112
Feb 2015??????????? 19?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? 6 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? 37 ???????????????? 129?????????????? 92
Jan 2015???????????? 12???????????????????????? 1????????????????????????????? 9????????????????????? 22?????????????????? 109??????????? ? 87
Dec 2014??????????? 14???????????????????????? 0???????????????????????????? 7?????????????????????? 52?????????????????? 147????????????? 95
Nov 2014???????????? 20???????????????????????? 0???????????????????????????? 9????????????????????? 45??????????????????? 138????????????? 97
Oct 2014???????????? 19???????????????????????? 0???????????????????????????? 6????????????????????? 53??????????????????? 146????????????? 93
Sep 2014????????????? 5???????????????????????? 0????????????????????????????? 7???????????????????? 64??????????????????? 133????????????? 69
Aug 2014????????????? 9???????????????????????? 0??????????????????????????? 12???????????????????? 65??????????????????? 135??????????? ? 70
Jul 2014??????????????? 9???????????????????????? 0??????????????????????????? 12???????????????????? 66??????????????????? 157????????????? 91
Jun 2014?????????????? 9???????????????????????? 0????????????????????????????? 6???????????????????? 45??????????????????? 138???????????? 93
May 2014???????????? 13??????????????????????? 1???????????????????????????? 11??????????????????? 53??????????????????? 156 ? ? ? ? ?? 103
Apr 2014????????????? 23??????????????????????? 2???????????????????????????? 15??????????????????? 36??????????????????? 155??????????? 119
Mar 2014??????????? ? 23??????????????????????? 0???????????????????????????? 11???????????????????? 33??????????????????? 144??????????? 111
Feb 2014??????????? ? 17??????????????????????? 0???????????????????????????? ? 5??????????????????? 26??????????????????? 109???????????? 83
Jan 2014????????????? 16??????????????????????? 3???????????????????????????? ? 5???????????????????? 30???????????????????? 132?????????? 102
May 2013??????????? 13???????????????????????? 2???????????????????????????? 19???????????????????? 49???????????????????? 160?????????? 111
May 2012 ? ? ? ? ? ?? 7???????????????????????? 1??????????????????????????? ? 4????????????????????? 50???????????????????? 128??????????? 78
May 2011???????????? 17???????????????????????? 0???????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? 55???????????????????? 139????????? ? 84
I agree, the figures are still very low. However, this is cold comfort to anyone directly affected. What immediately struck me was the anti social behaviour figures, which are roughly 3 times higher than other crime. Does this reflect greater reporting or lack of PC’s/PCSO’s on the beat?
Coming home late the other night, along Eastwood Rd & the High St I was struck by the number of “Bouncers”/Security Personnel in Rayleigh. This is a sad reflection of the society we live in.
But I still love Rayleigh.
You are basing your analysis on reported & recorded crime figures. I don’t believe based on my own experiences that crime is recorded and reported in a lot of cases as there is a general feeling that nothing will be done anyway. In 15 years living in Rayleigh, I have had 3 instances of police contact when I’ve had to report crime. 2 thefts (no prosecutions) and 1 RTA (no prosecution). I’ve recently reported another crime along with evidence of the crime and I await to see if this will result in a prosecution although I don’t hold out much hope.
I have to agree, I don’t think a lot of crime even gets reported any more. There is a general lack of belief that anything will be done about it, something I never shared until last year. There was an attempted break in to one of my garden sheds, lots of gardening equipment inside which would have sold very nicely at a boot fair. I reported it, all I got was an over the phone crime number in case I wanted to claim on insurance for any damage, no follow up at all. When my neighbour was broken into it took them 3 days to do any house to house checking to see if anyone saw anything and they never caught anyone. Late one night I spotted a car parked outside with two youths busy wiping it down all over the outside with cloths, one of which they threw into the hedge. I reported this as suspicious behaviour and was greeted with the comment that perhaps they were cleaning it – at 11pm, I don’t think so. Police need to do more in this area, there is a general view that that they really aren’t interested any more.
So looking at the Police website it’s quite frightening to see how many “violence and sexual offences” were recorded in May 2015 – 31, So 1 a day on average. Nice thought…..
It may be the case that some burglaries are not reported though I think most would be. (The reporting of anti-social behaviour is a different matter).
But even if some burglaries are not being reported, the figures should still show trends…
I agree with Chris that the burglary numbers are down. If someone has lost something valuable, why wouldn’t they report it? They would surely report it for insurance purposes.
It’s another matter that police treat burglaries as victimless crimes and don’t take them seriously. I can speak from personal experience.
Vishal, I’m not saying that the figures are down – although May’s figures are good, I want to see the stats for June. But I think they are certainly low compared with elsewhere (which is something I will write about later tonight)
James, you are right it does appear a bit frightening so I have done some digging to get the definition of’ ‘violence and sexual offences’.
Violent and sexual crime covers a range of offence types. For example, violence spans minor assaults, such as pushing and shoving that result in no physical harm through to serious assault and murder. Sexual assault covers offences from indecent exposure to rape. In half of incidents identified by the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) (50%) and offences recorded by the police (56%), the violence resulted in no physical injury to the victim.
The 2011/12 CSEW shows that there were 2.1 million violent incidents in England and Wales with 3% of adults victimised. The number of violent incidents has halved from its peak in 1995 when the survey estimated over 4.2 million violent incidents.–violent-crime-and-sexual-offences-2011-12.html
Incidentally I thought that these incidents would be mostly in the High Street – but zooming in on the website map I can see they are not.
Bear in mind that the Crime Survey for England and Wales is based on interviewing the public, not on the number of reports to the police, so is regarded as more accurate.
And looking at the stats, we have maybe 31000 (?) people in Rayleigh. 31 incidents per month equates to each person being a victim every 83 years. (on the admittedly dodgy assumptions that Rayleigh residents are the victim each time, and we are never victims outside the town boundaries)