Most poignant moment: Hawkwell Councillor Heather Glynn talking at Full Council about Rochford soldier Aaron Lewis , who was fatally wounded in Afghanistan – she has known the family, and Lieutenant Lewis’ grandmother, for decades.
Most welcome return : Councillor Chris Lumley, back in the council chamber after being ill for a couple of months.
Biggest crowd : the public who came to the Development Control meeting on Tuesday for the vote on the 14 flats application in Bull Lane . It was unanimously refused by councillors.
Closest Vote: A 9-9 tie on an application for four three-storey houses west of Boston Avenue. Councillor Joan Mockford moved refusal, it was seconded by Chris Black , but the vote was tied. Committee Chairjman Simon Smith then used his casting vote to get the application refused.
I read in one of the local papers that Rochford District Council had decided against taking up the Governments ‘free swimming for all’ initiative because of the cost! If that is correct, how can the ‘cabinet’ accept huge increases in their allowances and ask for more, but turn down such a good initiative?
This would have been a substantial benefit to the health of the residents of Rochford district. For the extra cost of, I think, £52K. This could have been saved in other areas of council spending and probably from the NHS.
Chris, is there any news on the idea of getting a swimming pool in Rayleigh?
Yet another application for
9-11 Bull Lane! 09/00032/OUT