There was some kind of an all-night party up Trenders Avenue in Rawreth last night. We have received the following email from a resident:
As explained by phone we are having noise problems starting last night at about 9.00pm and still going today at 10.30pm. The source is the caravan site opposite the football pitches where there is an out door party playing continuous dance music on a non domestic sound system. It can be heard in Rawreth Lane and has prevented any chance of sleep.
I phoned RDC this morning about 7.00am when there was no sign of winding down, was directed to an emergency line where I left a message which was not answered until 8.06. Apparently RDC do not have any cover for this type of incident at week ends at all.
In the mean time I had called the police who attended, were pushed back by closing the gate by a number of hefty men but then made their enquiries.
The police advised me that they had been told that this was a private party, previously arranged, the organisers had advised all the neighbours in Trender?s Avenue, but would lower the noise level 2 notches, people were now leaving and a van that had just arrived would leave within an hour.
Later when there was no lowering of noise levels during a further call to the police I was advised that the party was now going on to the afternoon and they could do nothing about it, that I should report the matter to RDC.
Please can you advise how we can get RDC to assess the noise levels from this site at weekends should this become a recurring problem. The duration and noise levels are totally unreasonable.
Now, saying that the noise could be heard in Rawreth Lane is an understatement. We’ve since had a complaint from someone in Norman Crescent, complaining that the noise kept them awake. .THAT’S OVER A MILE AWAY! The booming sound could also be heard, faintly, in London Road.
Obviously we are going to take this matter up with the District Council. If you were disturbed as well, please leave a comment below and say which road you live in.
UPDATE AT 2:30 PM: We understand that the music is still going on and that the police have possibly had 200 phone calls….
I live in Love Lane and was woken up, several hours earlier than I had intended to wake up, by the booming noise. I am so tired that there will be no Latin offering today. 🙁
Whilst Alison of Love Lane is Vaecors et amens from Homo et humanitatis experset vitaecommunis ignarus.
Estne confectum? Nuncine applaudo?
I hope I got that right
A Peacefull Night to you all.
For once, I’m speechless. 🙂
Can same one translate this for me please.
I know my old secondary school (that was on the park school site) was good but they did not teaches us this foreign languish.
I’ll leave that to the other Mr Osborn (any relation?) as I can only understand half the words he has used.
Sola lingua bona est lingua mortua
(The only good language is a dead language)
A couple of points, I live in DPW and like lot’s of other people could hear the noise, particularly when the wind blew from that direction. Let’s hope this is not going to be a regular occurance.
A request please – no more latin !! this is a very useful site for exchanging views and finding out what’s going on, the use of Latin adds no value at all.
Point taken. I’ll do you a deal- no more Latin from me and no more text speak from you! 🙂
Alison: I know you are studying classical history and that’s why you’ve added the Latin phrases as a bit of fun…
Why don’t you just leave a little English translation afterwards- I’m sure nobody would mind if they could tell what you were saying?
and PS I didn’t see any textspeak from Steve except DPW (= Downhall Park Way), which I think is OK!
Txs/ta very much/gratias.
ps There is a great facility on the RDC website to ask questions at the area committees. Has anyone else used it?
Alison, I don’t think so.
Apparently the people that were running this party/rave were handing out flyers for the next one. Lets hope there is sometihing that can be done when it happens again.
do you have any further details?
Hi Sharon, yes , if you have any more info please advise (either here in a comment or via a private email) so we pass it on to council officers…
We live on the Coppice Gate development. we’re slowly getting used to being woken at the crack of dawn by all the construction work that seems to start at around 7:30 Monday through Saturday, but being woken on a Sunday at 4:30 am really takes the biscuit. To hear it still going on in the afternoon adds insult to injury.
Am disappointed that the police did nothing at all – surely this “rave” breaches the peace?
Would be interested in hearing from anyone who lives in the vacinity of the caravan site if they actually did receive any kind of notice of this party, and if they have received notification of one in the future????
we have not received any notification at all. i leave less they 200 meters away.
mostly what we got was the bass, nice and loud every were in the house.
all your efforts have come to nothing . ravers 1 : residents 0 …