Tomorrow night, the West Area Committee… … at 7.30 at Edward Francis School, Rayleigh
A chance for Rayleigh and Rawreth residents to discuss the housing proposals….
Tomorrow night, the West Area Committee… … at 7.30 at Edward Francis School, Rayleigh
A chance for Rayleigh and Rawreth residents to discuss the housing proposals….
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Hockley Residents Association has listed 20 objections to the Core Strategy on their website. They are from a Hockley perspective but many apply equally to Rayleigh:
1. No detailed infrastructure proposals – lack of infrastructure is key – and no costings to see what can be afforded
2. Scatters houses across district meaning it will be impossible to provide adequate infrastructure
3. There are around 1700 extra houses in the Hockley area but no proposed infrastrucrture improvements
4. No details of road or public transport improvements.
5. Scatters houses but not near railway stations
6. Scatters houses but no proposals for addressing bottlenecks caused by all the railway bridges, particularly Rectory Rd traffic lights
7. Bus services already being reduced
8. Houses on one side of district (north) ; employment on other (South east) meaning more traffic across the district
9. No proposals on improving roads. Hockley will suffer from being surrounded by new houses; Rochford West 1170 houses trying to access Ashingdon Rd, Rectory Rd/B1013
10. Proposes cycle ways but no details, no land and no costing
11. Hockley/Rochford has lowest GP & Dentist ratios in SE Essex but no proposals for improvements
12. Additional youth services promised but scattered approach not cost effective
13. Impact on Hockley schools not considered
14. Does not provide for the future, if EERA/ECC impose additional allocations (already under discussion)
15. Will “affordable housing” really be affordable in expensive areas of district and where there are few bus services?
16. There are also proposals to convert Eldon Way industrial estate to retail and leisure and even more houses, but no details – yet another plan is to be produced!
17. Development along Rectory Road would create a contiguous urbanisation from Hockley to Ashingdon/Rochford with no green corridors.
18. CS states that infrastructure will be paid for by system of “Standard Charges” levied locally on developers of each site. Hockley would get virtually nothing on this basis.
19. Does not consider option of a single site which would enable above concerns to be cost effectively addressed
20. Use of misleading descriptions (eg Rayleigh/Hullbridge = Rawreth; Ashingdon = Rochford; South Hawkwell = West Hawkwell) does not engender confidence in process
Summary: The Core Strategy is incomplete, not costed, inappropriate and “unsustainable”. It is a piecemeal plan and the lack of infrastructure means this plan is not sustainable. Neither does it provide for any future allocations, which are already on the agenda.
Whether YOU agree or not, please submit your views by 17 Dec.