Join the Friends Of Sweyne Park



by admin // in Rayleigh


From the District Council website:

In 2009, Rochford District Council launched the Friends of Sweyne Park project to ensure local people had more say over the way the park was run and managed.
The response was fantastic, and now the Council are looking for more people to get involved.
Open public meetings were arranged to provide residents and interested parties with the opportunity to put forward their views, ideas for events or park improvements to ensure residents and park users could make a real difference to its future.
As a result of residents? requests at these meetings, a number of changes have already been made, including:

* the installation of additional bins
* improvements to access
* the provision of advice to dog owners about responsible dog ownership
The group is now in the process of organising family friendly events in the park, such as Nature Walks and will be issuing a quarterly newsletter with news and information about the park.
Rochford District Council?s Head of Environmental Services Richard Evans said ?It is very satisfying to see how local people have got involved with this project and have started to influence real changes. We are now looking for more residents to sign up as members of this group and to continue the good work. It is important for residents to have their say over their local area, as this is one way in which they can do this?.
To find out how you can become a member of the Friends of Sweyne Park Group, please contact Heather Meggison on 01702 318057 or email .

About the author, admin

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