Councillor John Mason, the Resident’s Party Councillor from Hawkwell, is certainly working hard on the local development framework issues.
As he mentioned in a comment earlier today, he has now sent in his own objection to the LDF proposals. His objection is 17 pages long.
You can download it here, but here’s an extract….
First of all, before commenting on the preferred location nearest to (in) my Ward, I wish to refer to the overall strategy for the District. This does not appear to be clearly presented enough in that the consolidated and cumulative effects of the preferred development locations are not clearly identified for the District as a whole and discussed.
For example the quantifiable effects of development on traffic numbers using the B1013 and surrounding feeder roads are not even extrapolated. If this high level strategic consideration of sustainability were considered then it would be readily evident that the preferred locations put forward in that part of the District are not viable or sustainable. The number of houses which will feed traffic to the B1013 is around 1750. This means an additional 40,000 vehicle journeys in just one week. Many people do not believe do not believe that the B1013 can take all the extra traffic from this scale of development. Indeed I understand from Essex Couny Council that the maximum capacity of the B1013 at its present width and traffic profile is just 1110 vehicle 1
movements per hour in each direction. Other figures suggest the road is running at 72% capacity already. On that basis the additional vehicle movements proposed cannot be accommodated on the B1013 without widening and additional lanes being added !!The Council?s Planning Policy Committee has gone round the District in the last year looking at the land which has been identified in the Call for Sites by landowners. Notwithstanding this specific activity I have been advised that at this stage of the development of the Rochford Core Strategy individual sites are not up for consideration by the public in this consultation.
But the Council may have already chosen sites that it thinks are suitable. The general location descriptions seem to accommodate some specific sites in the consultation but under misleading descriptions. Certainly I believe that this is the case in Hawkwell and Rawreth Parish Council appears to think the same given their published letter to the District Council.