We have always realised the importance of delivering infrastructure for any new housing and it is something we’ve always campaigned on.
onlineFOCUS readers will be reassured to know that this aligns with the National party policy.
The Liberal Democrats intend to reform planning law to require developers to provide essential local infrastructure alongside new homes
Interestingly the Institute of Fiscal Studies has done
an analysis of each Party Manifesto and produced
graph’s forecasting ‘Public Money’ spending. The
Liberal curve is midway between the minimal spend
of the Conservatives and the steep ( unaffordable )
curve of the Labour proposals.
I think most people would prefer to see a middle ground Government , not the extreme right and left
of the existing main two parties. However the LibDem stance on Brexit has probably alienated half
the electorate so we will probably be stuck with the
Conservative ongoing austerity on Infrastructure.