A guest post from our regular commenter the Mighty Oz .. this is a specially positive piece for the Christmas season, so if there any comments , please let them be positive also …
Sometimes, in those quiet moments, we all wonder what it would be like if we moved away to somewhere new. For those among us that like to make lists then a set of requirements is a must. So, what would I like in my new town?
First and foremost a town that is safe for my family and friends, somewhere that is reasonably affluent populated by enterprising, hard working people. A place that has some history, maybe an old market town that has managed to retain that feel. A weekly market would be great, perhaps some places to meet for a coffee afterwards.A vibrant high street, not a run down place full of For Sale boards, a good selection of places to eat and drink.
Who knows, maybe a place that has a beautiful church in the High Street, a windmill, a tree lined high street with flower beds and hanging baskets in the summer, that’s a tall order !
Now, Location, Location, Location, not too far from London, say, 1hr max but also far enough away so that I can explore the local countryside, how about marshes and salt flats that stretch for miles? Maybe even near to a seaside resort for some fun in the summer.
Must have thriving library, an Arts Centre and maybe a town museum…not to mention sufficient car parking when I visit.
Well, that’s quite a list of requirements, I wonder if such a place exists ?
I think you forgot to put in no threats of further development in there somewhere Oz.
You also forgot decent and regular Public Transport for those of us who do not drive.
Bruce @ 1
Do you actually read or understand what’s going on here ? The object of the exercise is to focus on some of the positives. Normal whinging to be resumed after Christmas, suggest you post again then….
Well done Oz – a nice little twist in the way you have pitched it, I particularly liked the bit of history reference ( you could have mentioned the opportunity to stroll in lanes unchanged for hundreds of years – Rawreth Lane / London Road )….full marks though……JIM.
I think the beautiful photograph gives a real indication of what we, in the Rayleigh Action Group, want our future generations to enjoy. A landscape that hasn’t been subject to massive urban sprawl in an area that residents value and want to call ‘home’.
Linda @ 5 , the photo of Sweyne Park, which is indeed beautiful, was taken by Oz a year or two ago….
Seriously , my own silly bit of positivity :-
I read a lot , and one of my favourite authors is Laurie Lee ( ie: Cider with Rosie ) and my favourite of his is ‘When I walked out one Midsummer morning ‘ – his walk from Oxfordshire to the South of Spain ( 1930’s ).
It made a big impact on me and I’ve often thought that tracing his steps would be nice –
Yesterday evening I stumbled on a new book ( via Kindle ) and someone has done it and written a book called ‘ When I walked out in search of Laurie Lee ‘ , don’t know why but it really pleased me – I’m half way through already ????
Point taken Oz so I will add good quality schools for children to attend.
Jim @ 4, thanks mate, glad you enjoyed it and Linda @ 5, thank you for your kind words about the photo, it was actually taken from our bedroom window. ????????????
And has a population who readily volunteer, give there own time free of charge and contribute to the community around them for the better of the young ,old and needy.
There’s been no new post tonight… Thought it was worth keeping this one at the top of the page for another day.
… And parks for pleasant walks and picnics….
Martin @ 9 & Admin, yes two very good requirements, both of which I believe are met here in Rayleigh ????