“Hullbridge Memories” Looks At Hullbridge’s Future

The website “Hullbridge memories” is normally about Hullbridge’s past. But there’s a a new item on its homepage about future housing. It urges people to come to the Hullbridge Parish Council meeting on Monday 12th.

If you are unhappy about the propsed housing development in the village I urge you to attend the Parish Council meeting on Monday 12th April 2010 at HULLBRIDGE CENTRE, Windermere Ave., (Behind the doctors) at 19:30. Representatives of Rochford Planning Council will be present.

You need to make your voice be heard and this is an ideal opportunity. With the oncoming General Election it is important to know which party and local councillors will stop and fight against the current government’s policy of developing on green belt….

Someone from the onlinefocus team will probably be there……

About the author, admin

  • I feel I must add some new pages to my site to cover the birth of the Hullbridge Action Group (H.A.G.) and to air my own views on the LDF which I will be putting in writing and handing to H.A.G.
    Please take a look and feel free to comment.

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