How Voluntary Groups Can Apply For Grants




The District Council have a new page on their website explaining how voluntary groups can apply for grants:

Voluntary Organisation Grants

The Council has a small annual budget for grants to voluntary organisations to assist in the delivery of their organisations activities. The grants are normally allocated once a year. Any organisation that has been funded in previous years that does not submit an application will not receive funding. Organisations will need to show how they contribute to one or more of the Council’s Corporate Aims which are listed below:

To work towards a safer and more caring community.
To promote a green and sustainable environment.
To encourage a thriving local economy.
To improve the quality of life for people in the District.
To maintain and enhance the local heritage and culture.

In addition, the Council will give priority to organisations that provide a local service either solely or mainly for the following priority groups:
Older people.
People with disabilities or who are disadvantaged.
Young people.

What groups will be considered for funding?
Applications will only be considered from groups meeting all of the following requirements:
Groups that are non-statutory organisations.
Groups that are formally constituted.
Groups that operate in the not for profit sector.
Groups that can clearly demonstrate their ability, through a grant award, to deliver benefit to the community within the grant year and to sustain their activities.
Groups whose activities benefit residents of Rochford.
Groups whose activities clearly contribute to or support the objectives of Rochford District Council’s Corporate aims.

What groups/activities will NOT be considered for funding?
The following will not be considered for funding:
Groups whose main aim is campaigning.
Activities or projects that promote religion.
Groups that have uncommitted/unrestricted funds that could be used to fund the activity.
Activities, the full cost of which can be charged for.
Groups that have failed to conform to the Conditions of Grant Award in previous years.

The Council will fund those organisations that it considers to be making the best use of any award in light of the above criteria. Some organisations may be selected to give a presentation to the Council’s Corporate Resources Sub-Committee in support of their application.

All applicants must complete the form located in the Related Documents section and return it with the required financial information (see bottom of form for information) to the address below by 30th March 2008:

Head of Finance, Audit & Performance Management
Rochford District Council
South Street

For further information please contact 01702 318028.

About the author, admin

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