If you live in Hockley, you should be interested in what the Hockley Parish Plan Group is doing. They have a good website at http://www.hockleyparishplangroup.co.uk/
What is the group doing? Their website explains:
Central and local Government are placing increasing emphasis on community planning and involvement. There?s recognition that for communities to develop in a way that protects and safeguards their future, Residents and Businesses within the community need to be properly consulted.
A Parish Plan is a fundamental way to demonstrate this engagement by officially documenting the views and wishes of the community. It records what people consider to be of importance to living and working in the area, what needs to be protected and what needs to change. This is such an important point to recognise and shows that if Residents are prepared to raise their voices and spend time articulating their thoughts and concerns, it can indeed make a difference. Whilst we have the full support of the local Parish Council this is very much a community led initiative.
The chairman of the group,, Andrew Brown, emailed us last week to update us on their progress:
Hi Chris, workshop went very well with 25 residents in attendance last night. Turned into a very active and interesting session with a number of new ideas coming out.
Last night was the 3rd in a series of workshops we are running in Hockley and all connected to establishing what are the key likes and dislikes of the community, what needs to change, etc.
Our aim is to run between 10-15workshops with the main attendees being:
Residents (will hold the largest number of sessions for this category)
Education & youths
Community Services and infrastructureLast nights session raised key concerns around:
Traffic and congestion
Policing and anti social behaviour
Planning/building & affordable housing
General community services
Village and variety of shops.For more information on the Parish Plan, progress to-date please, etc. please visit
Also happy to respond to any particular questions your web visitors might have.
Best regards
Andy Brown