Care For The Park You Love




If you love Sweyne Park (and lots of people do), give it some tender loving care on October 6th! The Friends of Sweyne Park would be glad of some help.

If you can’t make it on October 6th, they could probably do with some help with running their usual summer event in the park next year…. a few more volunteers could make a big difference.

About the author, admin

  • “Why” is a good question. Apparently the contractor was delayed by the weather, and then told the district council last week he couldn’t do it.
    So the council has now arranged for another contractor to cut it, hopefully end of this week.

    On the subject of Sweyne Park:

    – the hay cut next year will probably be done twice, to encourage more wild flowers
    – Ron and I have had a lot of requests from residents for a bigger mown area inside the park , hopefully we will get this next year.
    – the area by the ditch on Downhall Park Way looks like being treated as a grass verge from next year, instead of as a ditch, so will be cut properly!

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