Hard Surfaces




With all the rain, we are well aware of the issues about flooding caused by surface water run-off.

We had an enquiry this week about whether it is legal to have a completely sealed hard surface in your front ‘garden’.

This is the response from the District Council:

Householders have permitted development rights to erect a hard surface. If this is between the house and the highway and exceeds 5square metres in area it needs to be made of porous materials or provision shall be made to direct run off water from the hard surface to a permeable or porous area or surface within the curtilage of the dwelling house.

The use of a sealant to make a new or replacement driveway completely impermeable could mean that planning permission is required if it is greater than 5square metres.

About the author, admin

  • The Four Year Rule

    Under s171B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the local authority can only take enforcement action within four years of completion of any work which has been carried out without permission. If it fails to take action within four years then it loses its right to do so and though this does not technically render the wonder lawful, it is for all practical purposes.

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