Graffiti In Priory Chase



by admin // in Rayleigh


From the fixmystreet website today

Pavements & Wooden Posts
Reported in the Graffiti category anonymously at 09:56 today
Sent to Rochford District Council 3 minutes later
Priory Chase, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 9NF – There is graffiti and damage on the pavements at the end of Priory Chase. This is associated with youths who regularly congregate whilst skateboarding using the pavement and roundabout at the end of the road. There is writing scrawled onto the pavement and the curb stones in two areas are damaged where skateboarders scrape the boards along its edges. There is spray painted graffiti to the wooden entrance posts directly on the roundabout at the beginning of the pathway that leads to Sweyne Park. These two areas of graffiti damage are approximately 15 metres apart directly on the roundabout.

About the author, admin

  • I wonder if any of this was caused by the rucksack wearing 3 boys and 2 girls (having had a good look at them for 15 minutes from my bedroom window would say they were about 16 years of age), who between 2:30am and 3:30 am on Sunday morning were fooling around along Priory Chase and wrestling on the Priory Chase/Temple Way roundabout?

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