A disturbing report in the Echo:
POLICE are to target gangs of youths who are coming into Hockley from London to cause trouble. Youths have been travelling for miles to get to Clements Hall leisure centre and are causing havoc on Friday and Saturday nights. This has blighted the lives of local residents due to the noise, vandalism to cars, and general antisocial behaviour. Groups of local youths have also been attacked and robbed.
……… Most young people seem to be visiting from Rayleigh and surrounding areas, but some appear to be travelling from as far as London to congregate at the teen shelter at night.
It would be interesting to know just how old these people are….
This is why no matter what anyone tells me about Teen Shelters, I do not want one anywhere near my house.
Youths should be encouraged to attend clubs and organisations with proper supervision. These shelters as with Skate Parks are just ways of funelling kids into ONE area (with no supervision), whilst our decision makers are then able to say they have provided ‘something’ to the Youth in an attempt to solve the youth culture problem of loitering/anti social behaviour. Where as in reality the kids would only benefit from some properly run and maintained project or club.
This is why no matter what anyone tells me about Teen Shelters, I do not want one anywhere near my house.
Youths should be encouraged to attend clubs and organisations with proper supervision. These shelters as with Skate Parks are just ways of funelling kids into one area (with no supervision), whilst our decision makers are then able to say they have provided ‘something’ to the Youth in an attempt to solve the youth culture problem of loitering/anti social behaviour. Where as in reality the kids would only truely benefit from some properly run and maintained project or club.
NO TO A TEEN SHELTER, This recent post proves my point – if this goes ahead the lives of the people in the surrounding area will be blighted for ever. Give the concerns raised on this site I think that our local coumcillors are duty bound to oppose this terrible scheme. I URGE ALL LOCAL PEOPLE TO MAKE YOUR FEELINGS KNOWN.
And if you don’t believe me just take a walk over to Sweyne Park and see the state of the kick wall. Long since trashed and abandoned by the council who never clean off the grafitti.
And on another point – what sort of scum are living in this area now ? it’s changing out of all recognition and turning into Romford near the Sea…
Actually re-reading the article it’s not clear whether any Rayleigh kids are actually causing any of the problems in Hockley …
There was a lot of concern in Hullbridge about our teen shelter. However it is well used and does not seem to cause a problem.
A reason for this may be the sitting of it in the open at the bottom end of the car park. It also has a solar powered radio and light (will power the light after dark for a reasonable time).
It appears to me that where they are put is very important and if they are just like a bus shelter there will be no reason to use them.
Maybe it works well here due to the size of Hullbridge, as there are a limited number of users. In Rayleigh or Hockley however there are a much greater number of users and hence the propblems.
Rayleigh Resident – I live very close to Sweyne Park and look forward to seeing what is coming next on the kick wall. The youngsters who add their “art” to this wall are to be congratulated, because they are not trashing other areas of the town. They take a pride in their “work” and you should be ashamed of calling your neighbours “scum”. I am glad you do not live next door to me.
As for the teen shelter, I do not think this is the answer to keeping our young residents occupied, although they do seem to work in other areas. If I were a much younger person I would, as I did many years ago, become involved in a youth activity. So stop moaning about youngsters, they are the future of our country, should be treated as such and given the opportunity to prove themselves. GIVE THEM A CHANCE AND ASK THEM WHAT THEY WANT!