The vote to keep free car parking on Saturday afternoons was lost tonight 19-14. 🙁 The Echo has a good blow-by-blow account of tonight’s meeting here.
In favour of keeping free car parking on Saturday afternoons:
Pat Aves (Tory) Chris Black (Lib Dem) Robin Dray (Tory) John Griffin (Tory) Angela Hale (Tory) Diane Hoy (Green) Michael Hoy (Green) Chris Lumley (Lib Dem) Christine Mason (Rochford Resident Party) John Mason (Rochford Resident Party) Toby Mountain (Independent Conservative) Cheryl Roe (Tory) Dave Sperring (Tory) Ian Ward (Tory)
Against keeping free car parking on Saturday afternoons:
Lesley Butcher, Phil Capon, Mike Carter, James Cottis, Terry Cutmore, Heather Glynn, Trevor Goodwin, Keith Gordon, Jim Grey, Brian Hazlewood, Keith Hudson, Gillian Lucas-Gill, David Merrick, Joan Mockford, Colin Seagers, Simon Smith, Mike Steptoe, Carole Weston, Barbara Wilkins. (All Tories)
There were no abstentions, though some councillors were absent.
Here’s a few quotes from councillors during the debate:
Toby Mountain, moving the motion to keep free Saturday afternoon parking:
80% of the council are Conservatives – we should be make decisions in an open and transparent way, based on proper information…. we should review this rush decision”
Dave Sperring seconded the motion. He pointed out that the reason why Websters Way Car park was busy on a Saturday morning wasn’t because of shoppers, but because of football being played on King Georges Field.
Ian Ward had been doing some research with Rayleigh shopkeepers to see how much they depended on Saturday afternoons:
“We have failed to think long enough and hard enough about this”
Cheryl Roe:
“This is suicidal for all of our towns”
Chris Black:
“However hard our local businesses try, however innovative “Shop At Mt Local Is”, however good the Italian Food Market will be, it won’t counteract the loss of business from getting free of free SAturday afternoon parking”
John Mason pointed once again that the ?65,000 extra income that is supposed to come from this is the amount of money that the County Council DOESN’T pay us for cutting grass verges – we should be looking to the County for money.
Michael Hoy pointed out once again that the ?65,000 could be covered by getting rid of the ?75,000 “Innovations Fund” which seemed to be a slush fund for emergencies. He said this was:
Chris Lumley spoke without notes but very effectively. He is the chair of the Review Committee, which met 5 times this year to examine car parking charges, looking back at data since 2008. Officers had advised that that the ?65,000 for Saturday afternoons was only a guesstimate, as we had had free parking then for 10 years. But looking at car park income in recent years, allowing for inflation, increasing the charges didn’t really produce much more income, people just stayed a shorter time. He added that :
“This will have a devastating effect”
The only person to speak against free Saturday afternoon car parking was the Tory Leader Terry Cutmore. He said:
“We have a thriving night-life”
None of the other 18 councillors who voted for this were willing to speak. Not even Hockley Tory councillor Brian Hazlewood, who had originally signed the motion to bring this back to council, but later changed his mind and voted instead with Cllr Cutmore.
I was reading the Echo account of the meeting just before I came here. I can’t make the comments I would like to as they wouldn’t be published, however, I just wish there was some way that residents could convey to RDC just how disgusted they are with the ruling elite Tory contingent. One way and the other they seem determined to ruin Rayleigh and surrounding area, and for what, that is what I can’t work out. Preservation of their seats by not doing anything controversial or unpopular on their own doorstep perhaps. Such a shame the public are never allowed to vent their feelings direct to Councillors. Can’t speak at Council meetings, Councillors never having face to face consultation meetings where the public can speak.
This isn’t democracy, it’s dictatorship by Council.
Terry Cutmore says We have a thriving night life. WTF has that got to do with free parking on Saturday afternoon. Sorry but this is just wrong, we are not being properly represented.
A thriving night life has nothing to do with Saturday afternoon parking, and is in fact the reason that many of us more mature citizens no longer go into Rayleigh for a meal or a drink of an evening. We can do without the drunks falling out of the clubs, the bad language etc.
Oh for an active MP who cares about and works for his community and a Council who take some notice of the people who pay them and who they are supposed to represent. I’m obviously far too old as I always thought that elected representatives were there to reflect the wishes of the people who voted for them, not to impose their view of life on the rest of us.
The guestimate of £65,000 in extra revenue for the council is £65,000 less that local businesses will receive. RDC have just stuck another knife in the back of the already dying High Street.
The decision to impose parking charges on Saturday afternoon will have a huge impact on the town. Many families prefer to take advantage of free parking and enjoy shopping, eating and using the local facilities by staying longer. The town sees an increase in footfall and is bustling with customers not rushing to get back to their cars for fear of getting a ticket.
Sept 2013 saw the fastest growth in internet sales in 13yrs whilst bricks + mortar shops are seeing sales fall. Moreover,towns are being eroded away by out of town shopping centres offering free parking. We are being squeezed at both ends.
Cllr Cutmore’s comments were outdated, ill informed and misleading. Shop At My Local is little used and expensive to advertise therefore ineffective for any businesses to use. A voucher scheme through this avenue is a waste of money. He stated the area action plan shows the town can grow, this might be the case with proper guidance and VERY careful management. I fear the council have not seen the bigger picture of the future of the high streets in the long term. They have also diregarded the Grimsby report and Chris Lumley’s findings in favour of their own veiws. What good is a town that only thrives on a night time economy?
Their decision will loose more revenue as customers will choose to shop else where and loose business rates as more shops will close due to lack of people using the town.
My thanks to the councillors who fought so hard. It is devestating that the 14 who voted for were more frightened of their party than to vote with honesty, integrity and due dilligence. Who would vote for a candidate like that…I say NAY
You make a good point, our MP would give the invisible man a run for his money. Perhaps with such a large majority he feels he can just sit back and do nothing.
Chris and team,
What are the chances of pushing through with my idea of Park For A Pound after 1.00pm. At least people can stay all afternoon if they wish without getting fined.
I find this difficult to do but here’s a quote from the Prime Minister.
“I care passionately about our High Streets, I want them to succeed. Obviously these are financially difficult decisions for councils to make. But those councils that come up with innovative schemes to get people to come in and shop and help the high street, I am absolutely behind them.
“It’s up to the council to decide how best to finance it, but I think if you encourage people into the town to do their shopping, you will actually find a net benefit.
Perhaps the Tory Councillors should take direction from their Leader.
Cllr Cutmore also waxed lyrical on an “independent survey” that found 75% of residents are happy with the way RDC run things………….when pressed for basic details (how many were asked /what were they asked etc;) he did’nt have ‘the details to hand’ – of course not!!!!!!.
He was also very concerned for the people flooded last August ,still not back in their homes…. a bit different to his Look East interview at the time if you remember- the sort your own sand bags statement!!!!!.
Pinch of salt springs to mind.
Oz @ #7 above –
You have no chance mate , the majority of Tory Councillors are told what to vote by the ‘top table Whip’. As I’ve said elsewhere Toby Mountain has my respect for being
honourable enough to ditch the Whip and go independent Tory. Because why should we be electing and paying Councillors expenses when they can’t vote freely – it is
still a feudal system.
Chris – I’m a bit surprised your heading did’nt explain how this whole thing went from a Councillors ” away day ” not agreeing to parking increase to become Council policy just 4 weeks later – that was the bit that shocked me last night…..JIM.
Jim, I take your point. It was written in a hurry….
Though I’m more concerned that the views of the Review Committee, after having 5 meetings examining this, were overturned. Even after being accepted by the Council cabinet.
It is becoming clearer and clearer that the Conservative Politburo are pursuing their own agenda, it’s just that the rest of us don’t know what that agenda is. It’s a shame there is no mechanism by which the public can properly hold them to account. As they come up for election in thirds getting rid of the lot of them at one fell swoop is impossible. In May some will find themselves very vulnerable I hope, but by the time the next lot come around we will be back to the vote for a three legged blind dog in a blue jacket syndrome.
As for our MP, you are right Oz. I think he has about the safest Conservative seat in the country so no need to exert himself at all. He certainly hasn’t bothered answering the last letter I sent him. No doubt he will be out and about taking as many photo opportunities to pose with happy voters as he can find once the General Election draws nearer. I just hope I happen to be in the High St. (If I can afford to park by then) at the same time as him.
Everyones comments are noted , but can we please focus on the councillors who voted to end free parking, rather than on our MP who didn’t have a vote on this !
Fair enough Chris – it is specifically those NO voter “local representatives” we need to get rid of at the next democratic opportunity but –
Christine is right , both the Council and MP are not representing those who elect them to do so , as you know I have no party political alleigance – but give credit where it is due ( Cllr ‘s Mountain/ Black & Mason ) as posts above , regardless of badge.
Admin, of course our MP did not have a vote but it’s symptomatic of a much wider problem. Those people elected by us seem to be taking no notice whatsoever of our wishes or, in the case of our MP, trying to influence decision makers to reflect the views of his constituents. But given this area is solid Blue I don’t see much changing.
I support all the above comments! What happened to democracy, the will of the people & transparency? Remember the old saying, there’s statistics, more statistics & d—-d lies? I cannot for the life of me follow our Councillor’s “for”, reason or logic. Oh well, we will just have to see what happens at the next local elections. Just need loads of people to turn out & vote, or should we all just give up? Very dissapointing!
However, I must congratulate Toby Mountain for having the courage of his convictions. Well done Toby!
Ops, I need to make a little adjustment to my final paragraph, sorry for confusion.
The 14 who voted For are the ones showing honesty and integrity, it’s the 19 who voted Agaist that are to be…well I’ll let you decide!!
It is a pity those voting for the charges did not speak out in favour of them. Perhaps if Rayleigh does have a thriving night economy why not have free parking 1 to 7 to encourage families and re-impose them for the night visitors. Some residents might consider that this would deter people travelling to Rayleigh to fill the bars and clubs.
Janet @ No 17 ….
That is exactly what has happened, people have given up out of frustration ( only 4 out of 10 voted in the General Election on average ) , but that apathy is what keeps
MP’s and Councillors in power. And when in power with no opposition the position is inevitably abused – human nature I’m afraid !!!!!!!.
I know this is the hot topic but can I hijack it in order to get you to look at post #167
on the ‘ Don’t be surprised the public are surprised ‘ thread – do not want you to miss
Mill Hall next week, thanks – JIM.
Good idea Bruce. If you go into Southend to a show at The Cliffs you have to pay to park in the evenings. Mind you though, I’m not sure Southend do any free parking at all.
You may be interested to listen to an interview with Carl Watson manager of Squires coffee shop on BBC Essex Ian Puckey show today 28/2 go to Listen again, the interview lasting around 4 minutes starts 11 minutes into the programme, he discusses the impact of charging for parking on Saturday afternoons.
Can I just clarify when does the price increases and Saturday afternoon charges begin?
April Fools day – really !!!!
Could Councillor Cutmore elaborate on the quote “we have a thriving nightlife” and what relevance this has to charging for parking ?
Are we seeing the first green shoots of a Rayleigh Spring ?, following Toby Mountain resigning the Tory Whip – I spotted the following letter in the Evening Echo last night-
Democracy at its lowest .
I attended the RDC meeting on 25th Feb.
It was a disgraceful display of democracy at its lowest ebb – the well expressed will of the people overruled by the party Whip.
The Chairman was completely ineffective in controlling the debate and did not ask opponents of the motion to answer questions put to them.
An East – West split has opened up in RDC ,with the Eastern tail wagging the Western dog.
Richard J Shorter ( Rayleigh Town Councillor ).
I was amazed to see the comment saying Mark Francois is like an invisible man. I am sure many contributors to this site don’t agree with his politics but to say he is not an active MP is nonsense.
He has surgeries, normally every second Saturday, spends many Saturdays calling on residents, plays an active part in many local organisations and frequently visits local businesses, schools and other bodies such as voluntary organisations.
Also bear in mind he is Minister for the Armed Forces, the number 2 position at the Ministry of Defence, just below Cabinet rank and this involves him in a substantial amount of travelling including abroad.
He is a very active MP and cares deeply about his constituency and the people who live here.
I should also challenge the comment which said he should be influencing the Council. This would be completely wrong. There is a clear divide between the responsibilities of an MP and a local Council
As admin has already said, this thread is not about our MP so I will not reply to you Hilton. However, I am more than happy to discuss my views with you separately and if you should wish to do this I am happy for admin to give you my e.mail address.
Mark Francois visable in Rayleigh today.
Are we talking about the same person…..
Probably making use of the free parking before April Fools day……
Jim Cripps, like it.
I am happy to discuss this with you and shall be grateful if Admin reveals my e-mail address
Mighty Oz
I don’t think we are speaking about the same person but I am referring to the real Mark Francois.
By the way, of which of my points do you disagree?
Since you ask, I have no idea what he does until election time when we get a flyer through the letter box. I never hear him on the local radio or see him on the BBC Look East programme. For instance, What is his stance on the parking issue ? What does he think about the complete lack of democracy in his constituency ?
I’m sure visiting schools gives him a nice warm feeling but frankly I don’t care. I want to see him tackling the issues that matter. And if he not sure what they are then direct towards this site.
He is well paid as our MP, the onus is on him to be visible and proactive. As the Tory Spokeman I do not expect you to agree with any of this but you might find I am not the only person who feels this way.
Mark Francois is always friendly and helpful when I deal with him. Hilton is there anyway you can make your Conservative site a little more interactive like this one with comments from Mark so that people do have more chance to know more of the real Mark Francois.
Angelina / Hilton
I have no doubt Mark is a very nice chap, that’s not my issue. The issue is that, to me, he seems invisible as my MP
Christine post 1 “I was reading the Echo account of the meeting just before I came here. I can’t make the comments I would like to as they wouldn’t be published, however, I just wish there was some way that residents could convey to RDC just how disgusted they are with the ruling elite Tory contingent.”
When (if) they come knocking for votes the representatives of the ruling elite of all colours will be made aware of my feelings. But will grumbling make any difference? will not voting do it? will choosing any but the big three do it? I see voting as walking into a room with a few chairs. I’m asked to sit down. Some chairs look a little fragile and may not hold my weight but three look almost comfortable and up to the job. So I choose to sit in one of those three chairs. I was of course completely free to choose which chair I sat on, to a point, however what I didn’t know was that all they wanted me to do in the first place was sit down.
Jason , I did once ask if the public could somehow establish a vote of no confidence,
apparently not – needs more to resign the whip and get Tory Central office asking why.
Jim agree with the current system there should be an option for a vote of no confidence.
A fairer alternative would be that each vote counts. Each candidate starts at absolute zero those who gain the most votes win each and every time. No safe seats none of this swing rubbish which the majority of the public (and I include myself here)do not really understand.
Now the audience is just left with slight variations of the same play but with an occassional swap of actors.
And that creates complete apathy – which I suppose is the whole point.
or………..Billericay tonight, Council Meeting abandoned – building taken over by people demonstrating against 2300 homes to be built on Green Belt ( Class Action I think they call it ) !!!!!!.
Brilliant – perhaps we should all try the same thing at the next full RDC meeting. If they won’t read letters, respond to petitions, send anyone to actually talk to the pubic to their travelling exhibitions, then confront them face to face and make them listen.