Five things we learned at Annual Council




Last night was the annual council at Rochford District Council.

  1. The Tory group has once again chosen Simon Wootten to lead them, and so he is still Leader of the Council. Cheryl Roe is still deputy leader.
  2. Simon Wootten has picked his seven-member cabinet for this year – and it no longer has a finance portfolio, now that Simon Smith has lost his seat after this year’s elections
  3. Mike Steptoe is now Chairman of the Council, (he doesn’t know what charity he will be raising money for yet!?) with Jo McPherson as Vice Chair
  4. The Tories pretty much hogged everything for themselves except the Chair of Licencing and vice-chair of standards that went to the ‘Independent’ group, Mike Wilkinson. Stuart Wilson (Green) is Chair of Review.
  5. Michael Hoy made a point of speaking about how the Council no longer works together as some of the past leaders promoted. We think It’s a reflection of the modern-day ‘nasty party’ that the Tories are!

About the author, Editor

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