A while ago a district councillor had to go to hospital after a very serious fall during an official site visit. So it’s very appropriate that the District Council is supporting (in a small way) Falls Awareness Week.
From the District Council website:
Get Up and Go – During Age UK National Falls Awareness Week
21 ? 25 June 2010 ? Rochford District Council will be holding a Get Up and Go exercise class on Tuesday 22 June as part of Age UK National Falls Awareness Week.
With one in three people in later life suffering from a fall each year, Rochford District Council and Age UK are encouraging older people to find out more about falls prevention and get involved in local activities.
The focus of this year?s National Falls Awareness Week is on strength and balance, raising awareness of some simple steps older people can take to avoid a fall in later life.
The event will be facilitated by Southend United Community & Educational Trust and hosted by Rochford Housing Association at Millview Court, Millview Meadows, Rochford. The class will start at 11 am and invites senior citizens over the age of 55 from across the Rochford District to join in the fun and to find out what they can do to help prevent falls.
Rochford District Councils portfolio holder for Leisure, Tourism, Heritage, the Arts, Culture and Business, Councillor Keith Gordon said ?We are pleased to support National Falls Awareness Week. The activities and advice which will be available at this event will help our older generation to lead safer lives, while keeping their independence.?
What !!!! – over 55 a senior citizen, surely not. Given the average lifespan is now around 75-80 then 55 is just middle age. I cannot believe that in these times of cutbacks anybody of that age would need lessons on how to stay upright ( unless they have just come out of the pub after the footy ).
Be interesting to see how many people turn up….
As a doddering 56 year old would the council be providing transport just in case I should fall over? 😉
I want a fools awareness weak. We highlight all the fools that we come across. When I have an hour to spare I will start my list of drivers I have come across driving at Hambro Parade while on mobile phones. This is a busy junction with lots of school children. If I listed reg nos and or photos would I be breaking the law?