Looks like this is for the “North of London Road” application…
Extra Development Committee Meeting On September 30th
by admin // in North of London Road, Planning Applications, Rawreth, Rayleigh
by admin // in North of London Road, Planning Applications, Rawreth, Rayleigh
Looks like this is for the “North of London Road” application…
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Told you so – where is the Officers Report for Councillors to study/ analyse and form an opinion from ? ( like your other thread a vote of no confidence required for RDC ) – surely there is a legal / formal timescale for an Officers Report?…….
[NOT PUBLISHED – CONTRARY TO RDC SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY AND COUNCILLORS CODE OF CONDUCT http://www.rochford.gov.uk/sites/rochford.gov.uk/files/pps_socialmedia.pdf ]
Now Chris Black is blocking people from commenting on posts,….. [EDITED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RDC SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY. I am sure you can express yourself by criticising statements instead of attacking other commenters]
Rodney,if we could get the majority of affected residents motivated ,I am sure their will be many more unprintable posts !!
NOTICE OF AND SUMMONS TO MEETINGS The Chief Executive will give notice to the public of the time and place of any meeting in accordance with the Access to Information Rules. At least five clear days before a meeting, the Chief Executive will send a summons signed by him or her by , first class post or electronic delivery to every Member of the Council or leave it at their usual place of residence. The summons will give the date, time and place of each meeting and specify the business to be transacted, and will be accompanied by such reports as are available.
Thanks John – and this does’nt even mean that Councillors will have the Officers report to study ( for 5 days ) it is just a notification of the meeting.