The District Council has advised interested individuals and organisations today that there will be an evening consultation on the new local plan:
” …..As an individual or organisation registered on the Council’s mailing list, and as part of the early engagement that the Council is actively undertaking to inform the preparation of the new Local Plan, I am writing to invite you to a workshop at Cloister Hall, Rectory Garth, Rayleigh, SS6 8BA on Tuesday 4 October between 7pm and 9pm. The purpose of the workshop is to help explain the role of the Parish Council in plan-making and to discuss the future development of the parish – the workshop will inform, but not set, future planning policy.
For more information on adopted planning policy documents and the new Local Plan, please visit:
We hope that you are able to attend the workshop. The event will be limited to a maximum of 50 people (due to venue restraints), therefore we kindly please ask all those who were able to attend the workshop during the day on Tuesday 12 September to allow other residents the opportunity to share their issues and ideas. The structure of the event will be identical to the previous workshop, to reach out to anyone who was unable to attend the daytime workshop. If you have been/are unable to attend either workshop, please note that there will be other opportunities to be involved and to inform the plan-making process in the future. The Council has also produced an Issues & Options survey, which provides residents with an opportunity to make their issues and ideas on the future development of District known to us. The survey is available at and in local libraries and Council offices.”
Will this be worthwhile? The cynical side says no. It would seem to me that decisions are made and then consultation made.
Bruce join the other 32980 residents in Rayleigh with your cynicism.
Does anybody in Focus Land know what on earth is going on at the Fairglen / A127 interchange. The cones in the left hand lane are causing traffic chaos on the A1245. There appears to be some sort of “works” in the field by the slip road…Although I use the word “Works” very loosely as it seems absolutely nothing is being done.