Emergency Appeal For Funds For St Nicholas Rawreth



by admin // in Rawreth


Paul Trathen’s blog has full details about an emergency appeal for funds for St Nicholas’ Church , Rawreth:

The east wall of St Nicholas, the parish church building for Rawreth, is in need of substantial and urgent repairs. The Victorian-built wall ? rebuilt in the 1950s following a blitz-bomb accidentally dropped on it during the Second World War ? is now in need of further strengthening. ..

The top section of the wall will need to be taken down, and rebuilt …. to ensure against further slippage for ? we hope! ? the next century or so!

The Parochial Church Council has resolved to instruct this repair work to get underway immediately. Therefore, workmen will be onsite from Monday 14 April 2008.

This work will cost a sum of ?21000. The regular church account holds, at present, a total of ?3500….

There’s some interesting comments – including a suggestion that the London Community Gospel Choir could be hired (?) to perform a fundraising concert.

Paul mentions that Asda and Makro have already been approached.

Maybe the church should ask for help from Lithuania. After all, the parishoners of Rawreth did give eleven shillings and sixpence to the Duke of Lithuania back in 1661….

About the author, admin

  • Anyone out there – please read Paul’s blog regarding the emergency appeal for funds as there are some very interesting comments posted. St.Nicholas Church is very small with a very small following and we are finding it difficult to meet our weekly expenses let alone £21,000 for essential works to the east wall of the church. (For those who are not familiar with the setting of a church, the east wall is where the altar is sited). The church is Victorian built, but a church has been on this site for several hundred years and it is hoped that this appeal will ensure that the church will be safe for future years to come. Please support us as generously as you can because a church, especially a village church, is a central, focal, point for the community not only the weekly celebration of the breaking of the bread but also baptism, marriage and, eventually, funeral. Many families have descendants buried at St.Nicholas and will not want to see the church decline, as will those who would like to exchange their wedding vows and see their offspring baptised at the font.

    As a new member of St.Nicholas (almost 2 years now) I am overwhelmed by the love and friendship I have been shown and in my own small way am trying to repay by getting some of you out there to respond to this appeal. Parents of St.Nicholas School children please think why you chose a church school over all the others in the district.


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