Eeny Meeny Miny Mo Which Public Service Is Next To Go?




Just as we finish writing our last blog post about Tory austerity, it would appear Essex County Council has the bus services in its sights.

Essex County Council are running a consultation which is set out in 3 parts and principally they are seeking a view on 3 areas. 

1. The level of service we fund in the evenings and

on Sundays. The evening journeys affected by

this consultation are listed in Appendix A and the

Sunday services affected are listed in Appendix B.

Only the Essex funded elements of any services

are affected – where elements of services are run

commercially these are not part of the consultation.

There are also 2 evening services where the cost per

passenger journey exceeds £5.00 (the level above

which ECC would not normally support) Therefore we

are proposing to withdraw those 2 services. These

services are also shown in Appendix A.

2. Proposals to get the right type of service to meet your

travel needs by making more use of a wider variety of

ways for providing services, such as smaller vehicles,

demand responsive transport or taxi-buses.

3. Giving local people more control over what when

and where services are run by adopting a policy of

devolution. This would give local communities and

their representatives at district, town and parish level

the opportunity and funding to commission local bus

services in their area, based on their understanding

of local needs.

The full consultation can be viewed here. As in most cases, these statutory consultations often lead to a reduction or complete removal of services. If you feel this will have a detrimental effect on your ability to get around the area please get in touch or leave a comment below.

About the author, Editor

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