Downhall Park Way- The Echo Reports




The Echo has an update here:.

Crossing is promised for dangerous corner

A PUFFIN crossing and extra lighting is to be installed at a dangerous junction where a pensioner was knocked down by a car.

Grandmother Updesh Porter, 67, suffered concussion, a broken nose and a broken cheekbone, after she was involved in a collision with a red Citroen Saxo, while crossing after dark on the corner of Downhall Park Way and Rawreth Lane, Rayleigh, earlier this month.

Essex County Council is set to install new safety measures, after discussing the dangerous junction with local councillors Chris Black and Ron Oatham.

These should include a puffin crossing and an extra lamp post, so drivers have more chance of seeing pedestrians at night.

Mr Oatham said: “It’s good news. The highways department is looking at the cost of putting in a proper pedestrian-controlled crossing.

“There is a possibility there’s money left over from the Asda development.

“And they have confirmed that the lighting here is sub-standard.

“More lighting would certainly make a difference especially in this foggy weather.”

Residents and councillors have also complained the junction is badly lit and have been campaigning for a pedestrian crossing.

Norman Hume, the county councillor responsible for roads, said: “We are currently in discussion with developers over funding a puffin crossing, which we are committed to introducing.

“Our street lighting engineer will revisit the area to see if safety would be improved by installing more lights.”

Mr Oatham said: “We also asked highways about having yellow lines here for just a few yards down Downhall Park Way, to keep the junction clear of parked cars.”

He appealed to residents to send him any photos of cars parking inconveniently in the road, which could be passed on to the county council.

To contact Mr Oatham, call 01268 785295 or e-mail uk.

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