There’s a planning application (09/00265/FUL) at the moment for a double canopy to be installed in the playground of Wyburns School. Rayleigh. This would effectively create ‘an outdoor classroom’ when the weather was right.
Although there are green belt issues here, nobody is objecting and council officers are recommending approval.
But what’s interesting here is that this is a school application being dealt with by the District Council, when we understand that the Downhall School Surestart application is likely to be decided by the County Council itself.
Well done wyburns School for enhancing your school and helping your children to benefit from lessons outside in summer months. This is a wonderful idea and a shame that some other schools don’t do something similar to help benefit childrens education and give them fresh air to breath whilst they are learning.
I do believe that the only difference between the two schools applications is that the local authority is not ultimately accountable for the wyburns project, where as at Downhall County Primary School they are. Quote from sure start publications: “The local authority is ultimately accountable to the department for ensuring that public money is spent properly and in accordance with any grant conditions for phase 3 Sure Start Childrens Centre.”